Hello there, Earth!

Today individuals around the world will celebrate Earth Day, an annual event known to promote environmental awareness and energy conservation. Sometimes it’s easy to take advantage of our planet and all the wonderfulness it has to offer. This is to no fault of our own—life gets busy and chaotic, and our day to day routines get in the way of appreciating the world around us. But if we consciously make the decision to stop just for a moment to take a look around at the beauty of the Earth, it will no doubt create a moment where being present and mindful of our surroundings will ignite this newfound appreciation and gratitude for the world in which we live. And there are some things we can do every day to try and preserve the splendor of the planet and its nature.


  • Recycle, recycle, and recycle!
  • Conserve energy by turning off lights and running water when not in use
  • Opt for using another mode of transportation instead of driving if able
  • Plant or garden to bring more life to the Earth
  • Raise awareness in your community for environmental protection causes


So this Earth Day, take a moment to join a movement, a cause, a venture to help care for our planet and all its beauty and glory. Our Earth is precious and allows us to do so much; shouldn’t we help take care of it in return?


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Celebrating our Earth

African-American family standing in park

With the hassles of our daily lives, it is often difficult to stop and smell the roses. When rushing from one place to another, we may miss the beauty around us. With so much going on in our personal lives, we need to be reminded to practice self-care, and take a break. This Tuesday, April 22nd, take a break from the hustle and bustle and enjoy your surroundings. April 22nd is universally known as Earth Day, the one day out of the year that we are reminded to honor the environment and pledge to respect our Earth.

This Earth Day, take a moment to enjoy what nature has provided. Throughout the country, many individuals choose to participate in community wide Earth Day events; here are some ways how you can celebrate the Earth in your own home.

Use power minimally:

  •  Allow the sun’s natural light to enter the home and light up your surroundings.
  •  Utilize nature’s natural dryer and hang clothing outside to dry.
  •  Unplug electronic devices that are not in use.

Prepare a fresh local meal:

  • Check out your local farmer’s market and support local agriculture. Click here to find one near you!
  • Try to avoid the oven – prepare a fresh dish from your findings at the market.


  • Plant a tree, or flowers for your home. Trees, shrubs, and grass all help to eliminate carbon dioxide from the air.
  • Ask your local gardening center for tips on low maintenance plants and the best plant for your area.

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle:

  • Learn about your community’s recycling program. Many cities offer programs to encourage recycling!

What activities do you have planned to celebrate our earth?

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