Ideas for Indoor Activities With MS

When you live with multiple sclerosis (MS), it is easy to feel overwhelmed by extreme weather, be it hot or cold. Cold weather, especially, can make it hard to move your limbs and can cause muscle spasms. On days when the weather is too much, you may head inside to feel better.

To find out how those living with MS stay mentally and physically active on the days that weather pushes them inside, we reached out on Facebook. We asked, “If you want to do an activity but cannot be outside due to extreme weather, what is your go-to indoor activity?”

Sixty community members shared their go-to activities! Here is what they had to say:

Playing billiards and other light physical games

Several people shared that pool, ping-pong, darts, Nintendo Wii, and similar games offered the right amount of indoor physical activity. Many people have pool tables and ping-pong tables in a basement or converted garage.

These games allow for light activity and mental engagement. Best of all, they are a fun way to connect with friends and family.

“We bought a pool table and have family tournaments.”

“Ping-pong and pool quickly become my go-tos.”

Enjoying board games and puzzles

Many community members turn to a variety of games that can be enjoyed alone or with others. Puzzles, word games, crosswords, sudoku, video games, and computer games can all be played solo. Board games, puzzles, and card games are great options when friends or family also want a break from the outdoors.

“Board games with my nephew and niece.”

“Quordle online word game. Daily word puzzle.”

“Puzzles are fun.”

​​”Playing on the computer.”

“Playing cards.”

Working out at home

It is common for members of the MS community to invest in an at-home gym. This can be as simple as a single cardio machine, whether that is an exercise bike or rowing machine. Or it could mean a set of free weights. Some people rely on online exercise videos or guided yoga programs.

“I like to ride the stationary bike.”

“I work out in my home gym.”

“I love my rowing machine and my hand weights.”

Working out in other indoor spaces

Working out inside does not have to be limited to your home or a gym that requires a membership! A few community members walk in a mall to take advantage of central heat or AC.

Another person shared that water aerobics done in an indoor pool is great because water workouts are less taxing on the body. It also is harder to overheat when you are in cool water.

“Walking inside at the mall.”


Crafting, woodworking, and other creative hobbies

Another popular answer was crafting, which includes a wide range of creative activities. Community members crochet, sew, quilt, scrapbook, and work with wood and leather. 

These crafty hobbies can be ones you already know how to do, or you can pick one up from how-to videos online. Videos allow you to try new activities you have always been curious about. Creating things can be satisfying, and it feels like you are getting a lot out of your time.

“Make jewelry.”

“Crocheting (when it is cooler).”


“I am learning to work with leather.”

“I have a huge vintage dollhouse that I am restoring.”

“Working on my granddaughter’s scrapbook that I started when she was born 7 years ago!”

Watching TV

A few of you shared that watching TV is your go-to. This is largely because it is easy to do while regulating your body temperature. Watching TV in a cool space, maybe with a cold drink, is a relaxing way to take a break.

“Lounging and watching TV.”

“Watching TV with the ceiling fan on while also having the AC blowing full speed at me. My dark comfy bedroom is my happy place.”

We want to say thank you to everyone who shared their tips for this story. We appreciate hearing so many creative ways to stay entertained inside!

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