Get Organized!

Spring is almost over and for those of us who have emptied our closets of all the winter wears; it is now time to get organized! Maintaining an organized lifestyle helps to manage the flow of the day, week, and/or month. If we view our lives as a greater whole, we are able to appropriately plan and make the best of our time. Getting organized also allows us to delegate some tasks to others as needed. If we know what is coming up, we can plan accordingly.

Here are some tips for starting your new organized lifestyle:

Utilize your time off: For many, the weekends offer solitude, a break from the day-to- day grind. The weekends can also offer an opportunity to get organized for the week. Start by planning out the meals for the week and laying out the clothes you wish to wear. By taking this extra step, you can potentially avoid stressful situations during the week and we could all use a little less stress!

Forget the “to-do” lists: Years ago my sister introduced me to the “ta-da” list, and it has forever changed my view of “lists”. To-do lists are negative in nature and can often add more stress than they intend. When you look at that long list of things to-do, it’s often a reminder of the things you didn’t do. Taking a more positive spin is the e “ta-da” list. After you have completed a task, you check it off and yell “TA-DA!” It may seem childish, but sometimes everyone needs a little pat on the back for all the things accomplished throughout the day!

One day at a time: Set specific tasks for each day of the week and try to stick with it. For example, select one section of your home to work on. Let’s say Monday’s are “kitchen” days. Think of all the things you do to maintain your kitchen and list them out: sweep, clean out fridge, de-clutter. Now time to delegate tasks; create a list for your spouse or children with their daily “tasks”. By doing these little things one day at a time, you avoid the all-day Saturday cleaning fest, which leaves you completely wiped and ruins the rest of your weekend.

Organization station: Create a place in your home to keep track of your “ta-da” list and “daily-task” sheet. Select a place that you know you will see often and actually use. I like to keep mine near the front door as a daily reminder to myself and family members when they come and go.

Organization doesn’t just happen overnight and can be a real challenge for many people. So make it your own, do what works for you and your family. I am interested in hearing how others stay organized and manage their lives. What do you do?

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About Samantha Schech

I am a Client Service Specialist here at MSAA. I have my Master's Degree in Social Service from Bryn Mawr College, a school just outside of Philadelphia. Originally from the Baltimore area, I am a huge Baltimore sports fan and am often heard cheering for the Ravens and Orioles. In my spare time, I enjoy cooking, traveling, and playing kickball with my friends in an adult sports league.

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