Hope Angel – June 2019 MS Artist of the Month

Each year, MSAA features the work of artists affected by multiple sclerosis in the annual MS Ability and Four Seasons Art Showcases, including highlighting one artist each month as our MS Artist of the Month. This month, we are proud to feature Hope Angel of Hillsboro, OH:

Surfer by Hope Angel on MS Conversations blog


About the Artist

I have always explored my creative side, from writing to crafting to painting. My work explores the disappearing art of empathy through ironically colorful expressions.

MS has affected my art positively, because through my work I am able to enjoy areas of my life that my invisible diagnosis might otherwise limit, such as a sunset surfing adventure on the Pacific Ocean, a leisurely stroll through the forest, inhaling the sweet scent of jasmine, or just watching the leaves change color all without ever leaving my home.

Read more and see additional works from this artist and others at mymsaa.org/artshowcase.

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