Each year, MSAA features the work of artists affected by multiple sclerosis in the annual MS Ability and Four Seasons Art Showcases, including highlighting one artist each month as our Artist of the Month. This month, we are proud to feature Susan Russo of Pearland, TX:
About the Artist
“I was diagnosed with RRMS in 2001. This disease has changed my life in an amazing way. Funny how diseases tend to do just that. You either give up or battle on. I choose to battle on.
I’m not perfect. I have rough days. I cry. I get angry. But then, I pick up a paint brush and I start to create whatever I am feeling. To express how I feel with art is the purest form of self. It’s a glorious light I hope everyone can envision.”
Read more and see additional works from this artist and others at mymsaa.org/artshowcase.