Teresa Grzeslo – March 2022 Artist of the Month

MSAA is very proud to introduce our 2022 Art Showcase, celebrating the work of nearly 50 artists affected by MS.

We received many wonderful submissions from across the country and we are delighted to share the work of these artists and their inspirational stories with you.

Each month, we highlight one artist as our Artist of the Month. This month – our first month of the 2022-23 MSAA Art Showcase – we are proud to feature artist Teresa Grzeslo of Lake Villa, IL:

“Night Sky Spectacular”

About the Artist – Teresa Grzeslo

Art appreciation and creative efforts have always been an integral part of my identity. Stubbornness, increased fatigue and difficulty accepting personal limitations, became a large part of my MS challenges. I knew that I had to adjust my expectations beyond routine activities. I learned that knowledge is power.

Read more and see additional works from Teresa and others at mymsaa.org/artshowcase.

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  • Dave Kowalski says:

    Hello.. Has anyone taken the Clene Nanomedicine therapy? It seems to work in improving cognition, energy and reducing various symptoms.

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