Vitamin D and Multiple Sclerosis

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Recently, new studies have begun to investigate a correlation between multiple sclerosis and Vitamin D. And, while it may be tempting to make changes to your daily routine based on the information presented in these studies, it is always important to discuss these changes with your neurologist first. As this information is passed throughout the MS community, it is important to be mindful of how your body absorbs Vitamin D.

One of the more natural ways the body absorbs Vitamin D is through the skin from sunlight. However, with the increase in cancerous skin diseases such as Melanoma, individuals are more vigilant regarding the exposure their skin receives and are using sunscreens to try and block some of the sun’s UV light. With this in mind, it may be important to talk to your doctor about other ways to increase the body’s exposure to Vitamin D. For many, taking supplements and being mindful to eat more foods enriched with Vitamin D assists in increasing the body’s Vitamin D levels.

Always consult with your doctor regarding the use of any supplements or in modifying your diet. Although you may find the foods and supplements to be helpful, they could also be harmful to individuals if not monitored closely.


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  • Pamela Jacques says:

    I have had multiple sclerosis for 37 years.i no longer take any of the MS medications because I just feel better not taking them. I know that sounds crazy but when you think about it I’ve have MS longer than most of the medication have been out. That’s the end of that story. However, I have just been told buy my internal med dr that my vitamin D level is basically at a critical level. I just couldn’t believe it. So I’m now taking lots of vitamin D and other vitamins.

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