A Little St. Patrick’s Day Fun

March 17 is the day we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.  What began as a religious feast day for the patron saint of Ireland has become an international celebration of Irish culture. Many people and towns across the nation celebrate with parades, dancing, special foods and a whole lot of green.

Today you don’t need to be from Ireland to have the luck of Irish on your side!  Here are a few simple ways you can simply enjoy some St. Patrick’s Day fun.

  1. Grab Some Cinnamon Sticks

Some believe that putting a stick of cinnamon in your wallet will lead to wealth and prosperity. Who doesn’t need a few extra bucks these days?

  1. Find Yourself a Four-Leaf Clover

The four-leaf clover is said to bring good luck to those who stumble upon it.  Check in a patch you may have growing in your yard.

  1. Visit Your Garden

Lavender comes from the Latin word “lavare,” which means to wash. Lavender is said to ward off evil spirits.

  1. Burn Sage

Sage is another plant that is said to help ward off evil spirits and is said to fight off negative energy that could be lurking on this Irish holiday.

  1. Lucky Rabbit Foot

Some cultures believe that carrying around the foot of a rabbit will bring good luck. Could be worth a try!

There are several other good luck myths, too.  These are just a few to help you feel lucky!

How will you attract luck on St. Patrick’s Day?

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