Beat The Heat

Summer is back with a bang and who does not want to have a little fun when the sun is all out and magnificent. Whether you are mowing the lawn, hiking a trail or bird watching, the heat can be harsh at times and it is good to figure out the best approach to tackle the heat. Especially for individuals with heat sensitive MS, the higher temperatures can trigger flare ups and exacerbations. Besides cranking up the AC, here are some cool and practical ways to beat the summer heat:

Cooling Accessories: Cooling accessories like vests, hats, scarves can be very useful for outdoor as well as indoor activities. Using neck, wrist and ankle coolers act quicker as the blood vessels in this area are in closer proximity to the skin thereby cooling the body at a much faster rate.

Cool drinks: The most important way to prevent dehydration is to hydrate. It is recommended to drink around eight cups of water every day. Always keep a bottle of water or any other preferred drink near you. If you want it to be cooler, add crushed ice to your drink or beverage.

Fans: Usage of ceiling fans, pedestal or tower fans can blow the hot air out and let the cool air in. Another easier and cost-effective alternative would be to open the windows on both sides of the house that will allow cross ventilation thereby bringing in the fresh breeze and cooling the house faster.

Swim: If you have access to a community pool near you, that’s the place to be. Besides, being a great physical activity, it can help to build muscle endurance and strength. You can even visit the local YMCA near you that will give you access to the pool.

Take a shower: A cold shower can be refreshing and can immediately lower the body temperature.

Wear the right colors: Stay away from darker colored clothing as they tend to retain more heat. Instead, opt for lighter summery shades like pink, blue, peach, pastels etc. Loose fitting cotton clothes can help you cool better.

Most importantly, do not forget to wear sunscreen while going outside. This summer whatever you plan on doing, I hope that you have one filled with sunshine and good times.

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