About Teena Palathanam

My name is Teena Palathanam and I am a Client Services Specialist for the Mission Delivery team. I graduated with an MPH degree from Wayne State University in Detroit, MI. My favorite one liner is " When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

Selfless Self Care

The significance of self-care is undermined in individuals going through MS. MS can wreak havoc on your life as it leads to physical, behavioral and cognitive changes over time.  Below are some ideas for self-care that will improve your brain and body’s wellbeing while battling this disease:

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Embracing The Vacation

Travelling with MS can be overwhelming, especially if you are travelling to a new destination. Not knowing where the restrooms are or having a place to relax when your legs give way can cause a lot of anxiety for individuals with MS.  The unpredictability that comes with MS adds to the stress. Although unexpected hiccups can happen to anyone, planning your itinerary ahead of time will eliminate a great deal of anxiety. Below are some tips to keep in mind when you are planning for a vacation:

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Surviving Summer

This summer has been incredibly hot across the nation. Possibly due to global warming. Heat waves have been unusually common this year. Staying active in summer can be a challenging task but there are ways you can beat the heat. With some of the tips below, these tips may ensure you are able to continue with your daily routines and exercise regimes. 

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Navigating Your Finances

Everyone’s financial journey is unique, though we all face roadblocks at some point of time. Having control of your finances will pave the way to attain financial goals in the long run. Rather than focusing on unrealistic expectations, tailor your goals to meet your specific needs. The key is to strategically distribute your income and budget for your needs, rather than your wants.

Here are some practical insights on managing your finances:

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Growing Pains

When you become a parent, it feels like you are running on a racetrack. Rushing to doctor’s appointments, having to take time off work when they are sick, driving them to activities, non-stop cooking and huge piles of laundry seem like never-ending tasks. As they grow older, it is a whole new ball game. There is a different type of challenge for each phase from infancy to adulthood. Let’s admit it, some days it may feel like you are losing your mind with the stress.

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Beat The Stress

We are living in a fast-paced world and to fit ourselves in society, we dive right into the whole rigamarole often forgetting that stressing over something that we cannot control is not going to improve the situation. Everyone has their threshold of handling stress. When you start noticing subtle signs like changes in appetite, breathing, energy levels, sleep, etc., that is your body’s signal to slow down.  Don’t let stress take control over your life, rather figure out ways to combat it. It is rather easy to get overwhelmed, so the next time you feel bogged down by stress, keep these tips handy:

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Stay Connected

Having supportive connections is vital for coping and managing the daily struggles that come with MS. Establishing those connections early can greatly impact your well-being, especially during difficult times in your MS journey. Below are ways to make those connections that will help a great deal in feeling empowered and more confident to cope with challenges:

Connecting with MS support groups

Support groups can be a powerful tool as they can help you not feel lonely while navigating through the different facets of your MS journey. They can equip you with information, knowledge, and support. You can also find friends for life who share similar interests and passions as yourself. Such social networks provide a safe space to interact and learn from other MS warriors through their personal experiences and feedback.

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A Wish List

Getting diagnosed with MS can be scary and overwhelming. Not knowing what lies on the road ahead of you can be very frustrating. MS being an unpredictable disease comes with its own set of twists and turns as symptoms can highly vary from individual to individual. Here are some things I wish people knew about MS:

  • An individual with MS goes through a lot of challenges daily. Simple activities like showering, meal prep, washing dishes, etc. can seem like daunting tasks.
  • MS can make one feel isolated and lonely especially if one doesn’t have a strong support system. There might be some days when fatigue is ruthless, those are the times when individuals going through MS might need someone to just listen and maybe extend a helping hand.
  • The price of medications is skyrocketing every year. Many are not able to continue their treatment regimens as they find it difficult to afford them.
  • Medications cannot cure the disease, just slow the progression.
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Value yourself

A new year means new beginnings and promises new hope.  We all get 365 opportunities to improve our lives this year, so set out with renewed spirits and minds and see how the journey unfolds for you. Try not to get overwhelmed trying to plan everything for the year. Set achievable goals and take small steps at a time. I am sharing some pointers that I remind myself often so that I stay grounded in the present and hopeful for the future:

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ABC’s Of Holidays

Holidays are so important because they are times when we can take a break from life’s regular hustle and bustle. During these times, we must abandon our usual routines and do something out of the ordinary. It is the best time of the year to indulge in laughter, fun, and delicious treats. Amid all the good things that come with holidays, here are the ABCs of holidays that are reminders for me to value life and not take things for granted.

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