Ideas for Indoor Activities With MS

When you live with multiple sclerosis (MS), it is easy to feel overwhelmed by extreme weather, be it hot or cold. Cold weather, especially, can make it hard to move your limbs and can cause muscle spasms. On days when the weather is too much, you may head inside to feel better.

To find out how those living with MS stay mentally and physically active on the days that weather pushes them inside, we reached out on Facebook. We asked, “If you want to do an activity but cannot be outside due to extreme weather, what is your go-to indoor activity?”

Sixty community members shared their go-to activities! Here is what they had to say:

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Thankful for My Team 

By Gina Ross Murdoch

Recently, my son Steve approached me with an idea. “Mom, how about we create a mother and son team supporting MSAA for the Disney Marathon Weekend?” Having participated before with TeamMSAA in the Disney events and getting the opportunity to do this with my son, I was all in with his great suggestion. It also made me think about how thankful I am to have his support as a team member in our collective efforts to raise funds and awareness for the MS community.  

Gina, MSAA President and CEO, and family
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Thoughts Too Big to Share: An Early Fatigue Symptom

By Stacie Prada

When Multiple Sclerosis fatigue rears up, my first noticeable sign is when I stop telling stories that come to mind. I edit myself more, and I contribute to conversations less. A decision point noticeably inserts itself into the thought process.

Do I have the energy to share this story? Am I able and willing to commit to staying in the conversation? When I’m experiencing fatigue, the answer is no. Things I find funny, interesting or relevant become thoughts too big to share.

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You Are Your Greatest Holiday Gift

By Diana Cruz

I’m someone you would call an “extroverted introvert,” or as Google so kindly put it, an ambivert. Spending time with my family and friends, and even getting out of my comfort zone to meet new people, brings me excitement and a sense of fulfillment. Yet, I’ve noticed that these feelings only bring me a positive experience when there is also a balance of “me time.” I’ve found that time alone to prepare prior to an event, as well as afterward to recharge is ideal, personally. However, as someone who comes from a big Dominican family, finding this time alone can sometimes be difficult, especially during the holidays.

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Happy Times

It is the time of the year when we have all these lovely holidays just round the corner. The time of the year when we get together with friends and family to share the cheer and joy. But with the holidays comes the stress of organizing, planning and attending parties. Getting through the store aisles can be daunting with a lot of last-minute shopping taking place.

Here are some tips to keep in mind while getting ready for the fun days ahead.

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Easy Dump Corn Casserole

This quick and easy Dump Corn Casserole is awesome. Made with only 7 simple ingredients.  It is gooey, fluffy, scrumptious. Makes a wonderful side dish for your Thanksgiving meal to share with friends or family. 

This Corn Casserole can be placed in the freezer for easy access later to enjoy. This can be a great solution to reduce prep time and have ready to go when you need a side dish.

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More Joy, Less Stress

Holiday season is here! While the holiday season can be a cheerful and joyous time, it can also be very stressful and demanding. Back-to-back holiday parties, social obligations, shopping, and entertaining guests can quickly become too much to handle.  Alongside this, the feeling of loneliness and isolation are also very common around the holidays. With a few helpful tips and strategies, there are several ways to cope with stress and anxiety so you can enjoy this festive time of year.

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May the Simple Things Bring You the Most Joy

Coffee in hand on a snowy day.

The holiday season can be filled with so much excitement. Families gather to celebrate, many take pride in decorating their homes, cooking becomes a marathon event, and last-minute shopping can be unavoidable. I truly enjoy the holidays because it brings people together and kind gestures are plentiful. The generosity seen during the holiday season is inspiring, and no act of kindness is too small. It is easy to get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays and lose track of the true meaning behind our traditions.

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Team MSAA runDisney Participant Highlight: Berkley Keene

Team MSAA includes a wide community of people whose lives have been touched by MS. In fact, our fundraising runners, walkers, and swimmers come in all shapes, sizes, and ages. The upcoming runDisney weekend has perhaps our youngest participant yet – 8-year-old Berkley Keene, running with Team MSAA in January’s Walt Disney World®  Marathon Weekend’s 5k!

Berkley Keene representing Teeam MSAA in 2021
Berkley Keene, representing Team MSAA
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Ben Lang-Roma – November 2022 Artist of the Month

Pandemic Life by Ben Lang-Roma

MSAA features the work of many talented artists affected by multiple sclerosis as part of our annual MSAA Art Showcase. Each month we share these artists’ inspiring stories and beautiful artwork with you as our Artist of the Month. This month, we celebrate Ben Lang-Roma as the November Artist of the Month. Ben is from Lynnwood, WA.

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