About Courtney Blewett

I'm the Manager of Mission Delivery of MSAA's MRI Access Program. I hold a Bachelors of Science Degree in Psychology and have over two years of clinical experience working in MRI. Outside my professional role, I enjoy being active and spending time with my family and friends.

Thriving with MS: Prioritizing, Budgeting and Community Engagement

Living with multiple sclerosis has its obstacles, but with a hopeful attitude, resourcefulness, and a strong support system, you can navigate these obstacles more effectively. Prioritizing your needs, budgeting wisely and cultivating a robust community are crucial elements in managing life with MS.

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Motherhood: An Inspiring Journey

Motherhood is a profound journey that embodies selflessness, nurturing and unwavering love. As I reflect on this extraordinary role, I am inspired by the remarkable mothers in my life, particularly my own mother, who has been a guiding light and a source of love and strength. Though I have yet to embark on the journey of motherhood myself, I am in awe of the physical and emotional changes mothers endure and the instant, profound love they share with their children.

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Understanding and Managing Stress

April is National Stress Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about stress, its impact on mental and physical health, and strategies to cope effectively. Stress is a universal experience that touches everyone at some point in life. Whether it stems from work deadlines, personal relationships, financial strains, or unexpected challenges, stress is a natural response that can often feel overwhelming. However, understanding stress and learning effective management techniques can empower us to navigate life’s ups and downs with resilience and grace.

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Competence and Confidence: Navigating Life with Multiple Sclerosis

MS Awareness Month is here and it’s crucial to acknowledge the unique challenges faced by individuals living with MS. From unpredictable symptoms to treatment decisions, individuals with MS navigate a complex landscape filled with uncertainties and obstacles. In light of these challenges, promoting both competence and confidence is essential for managing the condition and maintaining overall well-being.

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MS is Like a Fingerprint

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a complex and often misunderstood diagnosis that affects millions of people worldwide. Despite its prevalence, there are many misconceptions surrounding MS that can impact the lives of those living with the condition. Although I personally do not have MS, I’ve worked closely with individuals over the years who live with MS, and I’ve learned and observed firsthand the challenges they face and how unpredictable the disease can be. A saying I’ve heard that stuck with me is, “Multiple sclerosis is like a fingerprint”. This saying speaks to the fact that every person’s journey with MS is unique and looks different for every person. There are so many misconceptions surrounding MS and I’d like to dive into what I wish others knew about the disease with the hope of fostering understanding, compassion, and support for those navigating life with MS.

  1. It’s Not Just Physical: One of the most common misconceptions about MS is that it only affects physical health. While MS does manifest with physical symptoms such as tremors, weakness, and mobility issues, it also impacts cognitive function and mental health. Symptoms can include brain fog, memory changes, and mood fluctuations and these aspects of MS are less visible and frequently overlooked.
  2. Unpredictability: Living with MS means living with uncertainty. The course of the disease is unique from person to person, and symptoms can fluctuate unpredictably. This uncertainty can pose many challenges in day-to-day life. In what feels manageable one day could become overwhelming the next.
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Embracing Self-Care in the New Year

As we step into a new year, it’s essential to set intentions that prioritize our own well-being and personal growth. Focusing on yourself doesn’t mean being selfish; it means recognizing the importance of self-care and nurturing your own mental, emotional and physical health. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you invest in the journey of self-care in the new year.

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Embrace the Magic

‘Tis the season to savor moments, embrace traditions, and create lasting memories with loved ones. Explore festive activities, delve into cherished recipes, and discover the magic that makes the holidays truly special. From thoughtful gift ideas to mindful self-practices, there are many ways to maximize the joy and warmth of the holiday season.

Festive Traditions: Dive into the magic of the season by revisiting or creating new traditions. Whether it’s decorating the tree together, baking festive treats, or watching classic holiday movies, traditions strengthen the bonds of family and friends.

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A Guide to Self-Care During the Holiday Season

Ahh…the holiday season! With its dazzling lights and festive cheer, the holidays can often bring a whirlwind of activities and expectations. Although it’s a joyous season, it can also bring forth chaos and stress. That’s why it’s crucial to prioritize self-care and ensure a harmonious and fulfilling celebration. Here are a few strategies to help you navigate the holiday season while keeping your well-being at the forefront:

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What MS Has Taught Me

Working within the MS community has provided me with a profound perspective on life and resilience.  Each day, I witness the trials and triumphs of those living with this complex condition, and through their experiences, I have gained invaluable lessons that have reshaped my outlook on life.

The Power of Resilience: Witnessing the determination of individuals with MS has attested to the true power of resilience. Despite facing unpredictable symptoms and challenges, the strength shown by these individuals in their pursuit of a fulfilling life is nothing short of inspiring.

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Back to School for Children with MS

Going back to school is an exciting and sometimes nerve-wracking time for any child. But for children with MS, returning to the classroom can pose some unique challenges. In this post, we will explore how children with MS and their families can navigate the back-to-school season with confidence and ensure they have a successful and full academic year.

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