Surviving Summer

This summer has been incredibly hot across the nation. Possibly due to global warming. Heat waves have been unusually common this year. Staying active in summer can be a challenging task but there are ways you can beat the heat. With some of the tips below, these tips may ensure you are able to continue with your daily routines and exercise regimes. 

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I can. I will. I Did.

Being active is hard. The thought of starting a fitness journey can be nerve-wracking, stressful, and tiring, amongst so many other things. As an individual with an auto immune disorder, staying consistent with a health and fitness regime can feel mentally and physically draining. Having the strength to start a workout and continue when your body constantly feels fatigued and weak is an obstacle like no other. But it is not impossible. As a matter of fact, the more I remain active, the stronger and more capable I feel of pushing my strength to its limits.

The thought of starting a fitness journey, especially in the heat of the summer months, may be daunting. Luckily, there are so many ways to be active while beating the heat – you just have to think creatively!

Here are some fun ideas that may assist you in remaining active this summer:

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Navigating Your Finances

Everyone’s financial journey is unique, though we all face roadblocks at some point of time. Having control of your finances will pave the way to attain financial goals in the long run. Rather than focusing on unrealistic expectations, tailor your goals to meet your specific needs. The key is to strategically distribute your income and budget for your needs, rather than your wants.

Here are some practical insights on managing your finances:

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Remaining Resourceful Through Community Support

It can be overwhelming managing doctor’s appointments, bills, medications, and all the many responsibilities that come with managing multiple sclerosis. However, prioritizing and strategizing tasks can help manage the stressors of it all to not feel so daunting.

First, prioritize the necessities. I like to think of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs when feeling overwhelmed with what needs to be prioritized. Food, necessary medications, rent/mortgage, and basic utilities always come first.

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Start Where You Are, Use What You Have, Do What You Can

Living with a chronic illness, like multiple sclerosis, presents a unique set of challenges. Managing finances can be one of them, with medical expenses, reduced work hours, job loss, or unexpected expenses straining budgets and causing disruptions. Financial worries can impact our emotional and physical wellbeing, and building a support network of friends, family, and others living with similar challenges can offer much-needed support. I heard a quote once saying, “Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can,” and I couldn’t agree more. Be resourceful and think outside the box. 

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BLT Hot Dog

Making a BLT Hot Dog is as simple as making the classic BLT sandwich. This fun twist is sure to please hot dog lovers. You can add additional toppings if you like, such as avocado and onion. This could also make for a fun topping bar at summer cookout. Give it a try!

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Strength in Numbers

Life is strange, isn’t it? It can be overwhelming, complicated, and confusing to understand. Mix it with unexpected occurrences and difficulties, and it can feel nearly impossible to navigate at times. Despite the myriad of emotional turmoil life may cause, there is always one underlying truth – there are millions of other individuals trying to figure it out just like you are. Of course, we all face different circumstances and feel various emotions, but at the end of the day, we are all navigating how to get by and be happy. Happiness, whatever that personally looks like, is the commonality that we all are looking to achieve. And there is plenty of it to go around.

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Yes, And

As usual, time slipped by me and before I knew it, we were already days into June.

It’s a common enough routine: laughing with colleagues or strangers and saying, “Can you believe it’s June already?” or “I forgot it’s not May!” Usually, this conversation ends with a chuckle, perhaps a little added hustle to catch up on work, but ultimately no trouble.

But there are some months that are just more stressful.

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Nancy Garcia – June 2024 Artist of the Month

MSAA features the work of many talented artists affected by multiple sclerosis as part of our annual MSAA Art Showcase. Each month we share these artists’ inspiring stories and beautiful artwork with you as our Artist of the Month. This month, we celebrate Nancy Garcia as June’s Artist of the Month. Nancy is from Chicago Heights, IL.

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Motherhood and MS

We all know a mother or mother-like figure in our life who demonstrates selflessness, resilience, and strength in all that they do. Mothers with multiple sclerosis especially, take on the unique challenge of navigating symptoms and flare ups, while also balancing being a mom.

Overcoming challenges as a mother with multiple sclerosis can be demanding, but also rewarding. It can become a balancing act between self-care and caring for your family, leaning on support, and being adaptable to accommodate flares and symptoms.

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