About Diana Cruz

Hello! My name is Diana Cruz and I am the Manager of Public Relations and Engagement at MSAA. I received my Bachelor of Science in Communication with a specialization in Advertising and Promotions from Southern Connecticut State University. I also own a party and event planning business with my two sisters. In my free time, I love doing escape rooms, visiting new places (restaurants, museums, etc.), watching movies, and laughing with my family and friends.

I can. I will. I Did.

Being active is hard. The thought of starting a fitness journey can be nerve-wracking, stressful, and tiring, amongst so many other things. As an individual with an auto immune disorder, staying consistent with a health and fitness regime can feel mentally and physically draining. Having the strength to start a workout and continue when your body constantly feels fatigued and weak is an obstacle like no other. But it is not impossible. As a matter of fact, the more I remain active, the stronger and more capable I feel of pushing my strength to its limits.

The thought of starting a fitness journey, especially in the heat of the summer months, may be daunting. Luckily, there are so many ways to be active while beating the heat – you just have to think creatively!

Here are some fun ideas that may assist you in remaining active this summer:

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Strength in Numbers

Life is strange, isn’t it? It can be overwhelming, complicated, and confusing to understand. Mix it with unexpected occurrences and difficulties, and it can feel nearly impossible to navigate at times. Despite the myriad of emotional turmoil life may cause, there is always one underlying truth – there are millions of other individuals trying to figure it out just like you are. Of course, we all face different circumstances and feel various emotions, but at the end of the day, we are all navigating how to get by and be happy. Happiness, whatever that personally looks like, is the commonality that we all are looking to achieve. And there is plenty of it to go around.

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Mother: Noun, Adjective, Verb

The word “mother” can suggest various definitions. Being a mother implies embodying the role of a parent or guardian, while the act of mothering implies providing nurture, affection, and comfort. The word “mother,” whether it be the noun, adjective, or verb, captivates endless emotions and interpretations, all individualized to one’s experience.

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Tips for De-Stressing and Unwinding

By: Diana Cruz

As the month of April comes to an end, I’d like to take a moment to honor National Stress Awareness Month by reflecting on a few of the everyday steps that can be taken to cater to mental health. Lately, it’s been feeling as if life has really been taking its toll. With the most fragile aspects at hand including health and wellness, as well as work, personal obligations, family matters, and planning for the future, it can feel nearly impossible to handle it all – especially in a manner that allows for space for unwinding and enjoyment. Luckily, I’ve taken some time to write down a few tips that have really allowed me to feel more comfortable and confident with moving forward successfully.

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It’s Not All Glitter

Bubble baths, massages, shopping. These are just a few things that initially come to mind when I think of self-care. Self-care is often glamorized, focusing on the external material aspects that constitute treating oneself. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge fan of all of these aspects, and I love a good shopping spree every now and then. But these aspects are just on the surface of what it really means to care for yourself.

Self-care isn’t always as luxurious as it sounds or looks on movie screens. Taking care of oneself requires dedication and discipline. I’ve found that self-care is uncovering the ugliest parts of yourself. Really getting to the root of who you are as a person, how you react to specific situations, and how you grow as an individual are just a few life-changing processes that I truly consider caring for yourself. But where does this process even begin? Visualizing the person you want to be and showing up as them every day, regardless of your current circumstances, is just one method. Much like the classic saying, “Fake it till you make it,” you are only as good as your mindset. By acting as if you are already where you want to be in life, the rest will surely catch up in due time.

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Travel Essentials

Ahh summer-time. The (arguably) enjoyable weather brings about endless possibilities for outings, adventure, and quality time with friends and family. For many, the summer months indicate vacation and travel arrangements to sunny, tropical destinations. As appealing and worthwhile as a good getaway may be, these plans can also lead to uninterrupted thoughts about what to pack, what needs to get done, what to budget, feelings of guilt for leaving behind responsibilities, and an endless list of anticipated items. However, what many of us don’t think of packing is our well-being. Ensuring you are feeling your best self and are preparing in a way that will care for your mental health is just as essential as any other travel equipment.

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Growing Pains

By: Diana Cruz

Being diagnosed with a medical condition, especially at a young age, can take on an unfathomable toll. Physical, mental, and emotional aspects of yourself that haven’t even fully developed are now forcibly taking on the additional role of simultaneously fighting, healing, and growing. As someone who was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder as a child, and displayed symptoms even earlier on in life, it was difficult for me to understand what was going on with my body. The non-stop infections, the continuous weakness that increased with weekly blood tests and frequent operations, and the never-ending dizziness at an age where I was supposed to be the most energetic left me feeling inexplicably different than the kids around me.  

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Blooming Season

By: Diana Cruz

It is officially spring which means warm weather steadily approaching, flowers blossoming, and new outdoor activities. Although the blooming season presents many physically beautiful attributes, it introduces us to several internally mesmerizing properties as well.  Spring represents a number of rebirths and reawakenings – be they physical, emotional, or spiritual.  This time of year yields the perfect opportunity to restart and refresh your mind, soul, and body through the cleansing of old habits, mindsets, or practices and the addition of new, nurturing ones.

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Production Levels May Vary

By: Diana Cruz

Motivation is a gift that many people overlook. When motivation is lost, the momentum once encompassed to achieve your goals and accomplishments typically decreases. Loss of motivation and momentum can easily be viewed as laziness or lack of desire to truly go after what you want; however, it is much easier to judge from the outside looking in.

Remaining motivated to complete the goals you have set for yourself, even daily tasks, can be daunting when factors out of your control come into play. Having an impairment or sickness can take a toll like no other – one that can make you feel scared, unmotivated, and alone. It can feel like the universe is out to get you. As someone with an autoimmune disorder, experiencing flare-ups with my health can affect every aspect of my life. It becomes an impairment physically, mentally, and emotionally – making completing tasks and remaining motivated nearly impossible some days. 

When my disorder gets the best of me, I tend to remind myself of three things:

  • It is not only okay to take time to rest – it is necessary. Your body cannot do its best if it is in “Go” mode all the time. If your body needs time to recover, listen to it and respect that. You may find that taking time off will benefit your mind and body in an impactful way.
  • Doing your best looks different every day. Completing day-to-day tasks, regardless of how minor, are still accomplishments. It is unrealistic to always tackle the world.
  • Your weaknesses are your strengths. Nobody knows what it takes to be you, and that is your greatest superpower. Your ability to push through even your toughest of days is admirable and inspiring. Be proud of yourself.

Rather than judging the positions of others, praise those who are consistently putting in effort despite their circumstances. Be kind – you do not know everyone’s story. And lastly, please remember to eat, drink water, take care of yourself, and do your best – whatever that may look like today. Keep your support system close and remember that asking for help does not make you weak, it makes you resourceful.

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There is No Timeline for Taking Care of Yourself

By Diana Cruz

It’s the start of a new year; a fresh new calendar with 12 empty months waiting to be filled with the dates of all your dream vacations and the goals that are itching to be accomplished. Although it is a great time to kick start your journey of new beginnings and aspirations, it is not necessary to associate the new year with restarting.  

If you are in the midst of figuring out what you want out of life, it is okay to take your time in continuing to do so. Enjoying the journey of trial and error is what allows for a more positive experience and long-lasting results. I encourage you to take your time in pursuing your dreams and being patient in figuring out what that looks like for you.  

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