About Teena Palathanam

My name is Teena Palathanam and I am a Client Services Specialist for the Mission Delivery team. I graduated with an MPH degree from Wayne State University in Detroit, MI. My favorite one liner is " When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

Thriving with MS

Living with MS can be an ordeal of its own considering the unpredictability and uncertainty that comes with having it. MS can affect mobility, independence as well as quality of life. Symptoms may greatly vary from individual to individual. Over time, it might get harder to perform regular activities. By getting diagnosed during the earlier stages of the disease and with the appropriate treatments, an individual can live a healthy and fulfilling life.

For some individuals, the symptoms may be profound while for others it might be manifest as an invisible illness as result of which people close to you may fail to understand and acknowledge the seriousness of the situation. MS can make one feel isolated and alone. Individuals with MS want to be heard and would benefit from having a close-knit support system to vent out frustrations and anxieties whether it be friends or family.

For those who have MS, ask for help when you need it. Embrace your body’s limitations. Share your experiences and stories. Empower yourself and others by being an advocate for MS. Raise awareness of the disease and make use of the multitude of resources out there to improve the lives of those with MS. Set aside time to do things that you love and make the best out of your MS.

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Here We Go

Summer is over and the kids are all back at school. It is easy to get overwhelmed and anxious while trying to manage the school routines and dealing with the daily challenges of MS. It is best to be organized so that you have time to recover when symptoms worsen and take a toll on you during school days. Here are some ideas to make your life easier if you have school-going children:

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Being Prepared

Individuals living with MS face a lot of uncertainty. Coping with the unpredictability of MS can affect one’s quality of life.  There may be times when you might be going through a relapse or flare up and you may experience MS-related symptoms. It is good to equip yourself to handle such emergencies. Here are some things to keep in mind that will help you to have control over such situations and put your mind at ease:

Emergency information: Have contact information of family, friends, and health care providers whom you can call in the event of an emergency. Keep a list of all medications with their dosages and a copy of your medical history in an accessible area in your home.

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Time To Go

It is that time of the year when people are enjoying the summer by traveling and exploring different destinations. Fatigue, bathroom issues, and walking difficulties are a few of the many challenges individuals with MS tend to encounter while traveling. Having MS should not deter you from traveling, it just means that your travel might need a little more detailed preparation and planning.  It is important to note that individuals with disabilities have rights that are protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) which prohibits discrimination and makes sure that accommodations are provided to such individuals whenever needed. Here are some tips to keep in mind that will make your travel experience relaxing and hassle-free:

Carry necessary medical paperwork: It is important to have a doctor’s note that details your MS diagnosis. Get all your prescriptions filled in by the neurologist. Carry medicines in daily pillboxes. Also, keep the contact information for your doctors saved on your phone in case you need to reach them in an event of an emergency.

Cooling products: Cooling vests, hats, pillows, and scarves are great to carry especially while traveling to places where the weather can fail to cooperate.

Rent mobility equipment: Mobility equipment like rollators, scooters, wheelchairs, walking aids, etc. can easily be rented. Renting equipment will avoid the hassle of carrying heavy gear.  In many states, you can also have mobility equipment delivered right to your doorstep.

Air travel: While traveling by air, ask for wheelchair assistance while boarding and deplaning. Take advantage of early boarding procedures and seating accommodations. Use elevators and travelators (moving walkways) in the airports whenever possible.

Go with a travel buddy: Having a reliable travel partner can make your travel stress free. It will give you peace of mind just to know there is someone to give you a helping hand whenever you need one.

Seize every opportunity that comes your way and do not let MS stop you from experiencing the joy of travelling. There will always be some unexpected hiccups along the way but planning your travel ahead and knowing your rights will ensure that you have an unforgettable and memorable time.

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Beat The Heat

Summer is back with a bang and who does not want to have a little fun when the sun is all out and magnificent. Whether you are mowing the lawn, hiking a trail or bird watching, the heat can be harsh at times and it is good to figure out the best approach to tackle the heat. Especially for individuals with heat sensitive MS, the higher temperatures can trigger flare ups and exacerbations. Besides cranking up the AC, here are some cool and practical ways to beat the summer heat:

Cooling Accessories: Cooling accessories like vests, hats, scarves can be very useful for outdoor as well as indoor activities. Using neck, wrist and ankle coolers act quicker as the blood vessels in this area are in closer proximity to the skin thereby cooling the body at a much faster rate.

Cool drinks: The most important way to prevent dehydration is to hydrate. It is recommended to drink around eight cups of water every day. Always keep a bottle of water or any other preferred drink near you. If you want it to be cooler, add crushed ice to your drink or beverage.

Fans: Usage of ceiling fans, pedestal or tower fans can blow the hot air out and let the cool air in. Another easier and cost-effective alternative would be to open the windows on both sides of the house that will allow cross ventilation thereby bringing in the fresh breeze and cooling the house faster.

Swim: If you have access to a community pool near you, that’s the place to be. Besides, being a great physical activity, it can help to build muscle endurance and strength. You can even visit the local YMCA near you that will give you access to the pool.

Take a shower: A cold shower can be refreshing and can immediately lower the body temperature.

Wear the right colors: Stay away from darker colored clothing as they tend to retain more heat. Instead, opt for lighter summery shades like pink, blue, peach, pastels etc. Loose fitting cotton clothes can help you cool better.

Most importantly, do not forget to wear sunscreen while going outside. This summer whatever you plan on doing, I hope that you have one filled with sunshine and good times.

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Empowering Your Mental Health

The importance of mental health is often understated and MS being a highly unpredictable disease can come with its own challenges. There is a stigma associated with mental health which is why many find it difficult to talk about the rollercoaster of emotions they might be experiencing, especially if one is going through MS. Building a support system is crucial to one’s mental health as they are the ones who will stick by your side through thick and thin. Building support takes time, patience, and effort. Here are some ways to take control of your mental health:

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A Fruitful Spring

Spring is here and what better season to enjoy and have some fun. Everything around is fresh and new. How much ever bleak your winter may have been, this season brings a promise of renewed beginnings. Here are some ideas of things to kick off your spring and make the most of this time.

Get back on your exercise regimen. Walking outdoors can improve your heart health and elevate your mood. Being active for some time during the day can strengthen your body and immune system. Ask your friend to join you and make this an enjoyable time that you look forward to in your daily routine.

For those who may have issues walking, grab a chair and enjoy the outdoors. If you own a binoculars, you can keep an eye for bird movement on trees and even catch the squirrels and bunnies chasing each other. You can also set up a bird feeder in your backyard and let the birds fly right in front of you. You can read a book in your backyard or patio while absorbing the sunlight and feeling the gentle breeze.

Plant some seeds. Caring for plants can be a rewarding experience. They help to improve the quality of air around your home. Besides that, it is a joy to see the seeds sprout and enjoy the fruits of your labor. The scent of the lilies, tulips, daffodils, and gladiolas in assorted colors can soothe your senses and refresh your mind.

Declutter your space. To stay on track, make a checklist of tasks that you would like to tackle in the coming days.  We tend to accumulate things over the years. Things we don’t often need and things that we can live without. Its time to sort it all. Involve the whole family and let everyone pitch in to do their part. Not only will you be proud of yourself at the end of this accomplishment, but it is also a great opportunity to donate clothes and other household items to those who need it.

It is a wonderful time of the year that is eagerly awaited upon.  A greet time to make memories and enjoy new experiences. So get out there and let the magic begin.

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Bring it on

Having a child with an illness is any parent’s greatest nightmare. MS being an unpredictable and progressive disease can invoke a lot of emotions for the whole family once a diagnosis has been established. Hug your child from time to time and let them know that it is going to be okay. Give them the reassurance that you are by their side no matter what. Be your child’s greatest cheerleader and encourage them to continue with their regular activities to keep them engaged. Practicing physical activities, getting adequate sleep and following healthy diet patterns can have a huge impact on a child’s MS journey.

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Ready, steady, go!

Every new year is a time to begin fresh and each day is full of endless possibilities. Set goals for yourself and strive to achieve them. Do not wait for the perfect moment to begin something. Take a leap in faith and everything else will align itself. Whatever direction life may take, prepare yourself to improvise every day. Below are some strategies that will help you stay on course:

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A New Beginning

The new year brings forth hope for the future. It motivates us to start the year with renewed zeal and enthusiasm. It is time to make resolutions and prepare for the exciting adventures and challenges ahead. While focusing on the resolutions, it is important that we set realistic expectations and remember to be kind to yourself while trying to achieve something.

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