Hannah Garrison – August 2022 Artist of the Month

Each year, we feature the work of artists affected by multiple sclerosis in our annual MSAA Art Showcase. We receive many wonderful submissions from across the country and are delighted to share the work of these artists and their inspirational stories with you, including highlighting one artist each month as our Artist of the Month. This month, we are proud to feature artist and MSAA’s Improving Lives Benefit 2022 Mission Honoree Hannah Garrison of San Antonio, TX:

Hannah Garrison artwork in turquoise and orange entitled "Wonder what this is?" for MSAA's Artist of the Month
“Wonder what this is?”

About the Artist – Hannah Garrison

“I was diagnosed with MS in the summer of 2017. At the time, I thought that this MS-monster-thing was going to take everything away from me. Not so fast, though – I’m slowly learning that this “new normal” can be built up over time. That’s where the practice of art-making comes into play. Telling people that I make art has become synonymous with telling people that I practice self-care a lot.

But the key takeaway here is that, at the end of the day, or week, or month, I still have something that I’m proud to have worked through. I’m proud to have had these ups and downs with whatever project it may be. I’m proud to have been able to work through these artistic struggles, and proud to have come to a compromise with the medium. MS can never take that away from me.”

Read more and see additional works from Hannah and others at mymsaa.org/artshowcase.

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