My New Year’s Resolution

January is officially here. Wow! We are already in the year 2020, and do you know what that means? Tis the season of New Year’s resolutions. However, I’m still not over Christmas. I mean, I’m the person who would keep the Christmas tree up until March. Yep, I’m THAT person. I’m not kidding. My husband takes the Christmas tree down the first week of January because “honey Christmas is over” (and that hurts me a little inside), but I digress.


I’m not typically the one to make a New Year’s resolution because I am still celebrating Christmas even in January. However, this year feels different. It is different. There is a new excitement surrounding 2020, and I’m showing off my excitement with a New Year’s resolution. My New Year’s resolution for 2020 is…. wait for it…. to start Christmas shopping for my household this month! Okay, here’s the plan. I will buy a gift for each of my kids and my husband (that’s four people) every month through November. When December 1st comes, there will already be 44 gifts under the Christmas tree! I know. I know. My New Year’s resolution is about Christmas, but in all fairness, it still qualifies. Right? Yes.


Making a New Year’s resolution for yourself can be fun. Sometimes I view it as a challenge or a personal mission that I am going to overcome and complete. *cue the Mission Impossible theme music* Eating healthier, living life to the fullest, being more organized, or reading a new book every month are just some fun examples of New Year’s resolutions. There are so many different things that you can use. The possibilities are endless! So, if you’re bringing in the New Year with a resolution have fun with it, and make sure it’s something that’s going to have a positive impact on your life. #HappyNewYearFriends!

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