A Women’s Retreat

For the past 6 years, as a Regional Director for MSAA, I have done many patient and professional healthcare provider education programs, on many diverse topics related to MS.  But my favorite programs are those aimed specifically for women with MS.   We recently had a Women’s Retreat in Sheridan Wyoming, and 30 women with MS shared a very special weekend of fun, relaxation, education and friendship.

MS specialists like Amy McKay, a nutrition and exercise guru from Texas, shared dozens of tips to help maintain a high quality of life by trying to incorporate movement, healthy eating, balance in life, and finding- and sharing – happiness. The weekend included group discussions, new friends, and a chance to discover hidden talents and create a beautiful summer wreath.  Add in the chick flick movie on Saturday night and you couldn’t find a happier group of women!

Of course we also learned about the newest MS therapies, and how to use the MSAA SEARCH program to determine, with your neurologist, the best course of treatment for each individual.

It is always hard on Sunday afternoon to say goodbye to all the new friends I have made at the retreats, and I see that sentiment echoed throughout the room.  Many friendships, support groups and walking buddies are started during those three days!

When we have a women’s retreat in your neck of the woods, I hope you will consider signing up.  We would love to have you!

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