August 2018 Artist of the Month: Celebrating the Work of Artists Affected by Multiple Sclerosis

MSAA is very proud to present our 2018-19 Art Showcase – celebrating the work of an artist affected by multiple sclerosis (MS).

We have received many wonderful submissions from across the country and are delighted to share their work and their stories with you. Please visit our online gallery to view all of the new submissions.

Karen Bloom – Kendallville, IN
Summer Paradise
Summer Paradise by Karen Bloom artist affected by multiple sclerosis

About the Artist

“When I am painting, I plain and simply do not hurt. I get lost in creating when I can visualize. Art is my escape. Blessed to have had parents who gave me art lessons in my youth, I devote much of my time to my painting now that I can no longer work. When one door closes, another opens.”

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