Come Float with Me…

Not long ago I wrote some about my first trip to see an acupuncturist. It’s a recurring trip that I genuinely look forward to and enjoy. There are lots of other areas where you can find some alternatives that can be added to what you are already doing, or in place of something. Now each alternative therapy may not work for you specifically and you should consult your physician when it comes to any radical changes to your diet, routine or the programs you adhere to.

For decades there has been a debate between traditional “modern” medicine and your more untraditional, homeopathic or alternative treatments. With the idea in mind to go try a few more options I drifted into Flotation Therapy or a Sensory Deprivation Tank to give it a try. For anyone unfamiliar flotation therapy involves a large tank or pod like structure, water, A LOT of salt (but not your table variety) and you. The concentration of salt to water is carefully calculated out and once you climb in… you literally float… that’s it. They were developed in the 1950s by a neuroscientist who initially used the tanks to test the impact of sensory deprivation. Now while the original intent may not have been as alternative treatments it was discovered that the sessions did have more positive implications that originally was thought.

Most sessions last about an hour and not only are the chambers dark but they can also be virtually sound proof. No before you get all “that sounds creepy” give it an honest thought. The water in the tank is not deep (mine was no more than 3 feet and you have a team that is present in the facility the whole time. Imagine getting to truly shut the world out for a few moments, left only with your thoughts until you are able to quiet those and drift off to some silence. It was a strange experience, don’t get me wrong and 5 minutes seemed like 45 without the interaction of my eyes to a screen or taking in external stimuli. But the 60 minute session was enough to melt away a good number of stressors and worries. Floating in the salt water, time dragging on at first, I eventually found myself humming just to have some noise but this was quickly replaced by the steady beat of what I believe was my heart (jury is still out) and the occasional sloshing of the water in the tank. It was boring and weird and wonderful. I’m not usually able to tune my brain out… I dream about my to-do lists in my sleep, but for a few moments toward the end of the session I was able to shut everything else out and just float. Emerging from the tank took a minute to get use to, but all my muscles felt less tense and less sore than they had before.

Now does the salt water have any magic powers, I doubt it… they don’t truck the stuff in from Narnia. But is it worth a try, why not. If you don’t mind being left alone with just you and your thoughts what’s the harm in giving it a go.

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  • DeDe Morris / Joshua Blanco says:

    My son Joshua was diagnosed with Aspbergers caused by scar tissue in his brain about 8 years ago. Recently he was diagnosed with MS because of multiple symptoms. He’s had an MRI and a spinal tap done already. The neurologist said it’s a double whammy for him. I’m trying to find out what it will mean for him. Does this mean it’s going to be harder to treat him?

    • MSAA says:

      Thank you for sharing your story about your son and his journey to an MS diagnosis. If you haven’t already, I would strongly encourage you to reach out to our Client Services Specialists, who can be a friendly voice to listen to and can offer resources. You can reach them by phone at (800) 532-7667, ext. 154, by email at, or via our online chat feature at:
      Good luck!
      -Emily, from MSAA

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