May 2018 Artist of the Month: Celebrating the Work of Artists Affected by Multiple Sclerosis

MSAA is very proud to present our 2018-19 Art Showcase – celebrating the work of artists affected by multiple sclerosis (MS).

We have received many wonderful submissions from across the country and are delighted to share their work and their stories with you. Please visit our online gallery to view all of the new submissions.

Shana Stern – Los Angeles, CA
Rise Up

About the Artist:

“Twelve years into my MS diagnosis, my daily health challenges made writing, my former profession, practically impossible.

Unable to hold a paintbrush due to the MS, I created my own way of painting, using only my fingers and knuckles on top of and also from underneath the canvas. Crouched over the canvas, covered in paint, lost in the music and the painting that’s evolving – everything else disappears. All my pain, frustration and physical issues dissolve away into beauty and the freedom painting provides me with.”
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