Is that fall around the corner?

Fall weather is coming!September is here! Now let’s hope that it brings with it some cooler temps. Summer was especially cruel around the country this year with multiple heat waves, rain, devastating fires and other challenges. I don’t think I’m alone when I say I’m glad to see it go. But just because it’s September doesn’t mean it’s autumn-like weather just yet either. It’s been about 90 degrees every day this week here in the northeast, but there’s hope that fall weather is on its way.

I find fall to be a very festive and cheery time of year. Unless you’re that kid who’s not excited about going back to school (LOL). But for the most part the season brings beautiful colors, amazing flavors and crisper temperatures to look forward to. The pumpkin fanatics are thrilled this time of year too as stores fill up on products of this flavor and the smells that fill the air are just amazing!

Hopefully we’ll actually get and be able to enjoy an autumn this year. The trend seems to be that certain seasons are getting shorter and shorter in duration. It feels like we just bounce back and forth between scorching hot months to cold frigid ones, with spring and fall often getting the shaft. Warm weather can be extremely uncomfortable and detrimental for those with MS and heat sensitivity so the exiting of summer is welcomed by many. A new season brings with it new beginnings. Here’s hoping that fall gets here soon and hangs around for a while!

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