
It is easy to get caught up in everyday stress, such that when a holiday or special event approaches you may feel added stress instead just enjoying the day. Maybe today you have a child or grandchild who will be going out Trick-or-Treating or participating in a costume parade, but even if you don’t Halloween is not just for children.

Even without little ones around, you may enjoy decorating the house in spooky decor (a wonderful co-worker here at MSAA picks a theme every year and really goes to town setting up an elaborate scene on his front lawn for visiting Trick-or-Treaters—see below). We don’t all go to such great lengths, but you may enjoy baking treats or handing out candy. If you do celebrate Halloween, even in the simplest of fashions, try to take a moment just to savor the day and focus on whatever it is you love about this holiday!

* For anyone who has been impacted by hurricane Sandy, our thoughts are with you and your families at this time.



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