Happy New Year

We are once again encountering the start of a new year, signaling change and new beginnings for time that lies ahead. For many people this time of year brings promises, expectations, and resolutions for change to make the new year ahead a hopeful one. Whether it’s modifying your daily routine or making a promise to set aside more quality time with loved ones, the start of 2013 brings with it the possibility of change and hope in a world full of the unexpected. Making changes that will impact life for the better is a resolution for this new year. Wishing only the best for all in 2013!

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  • Sharie Brooks says:

    Happy New Year

    Hello everyone my name is Sharie Brooks

    I was recently diagnosed with MS on 11512.

    can everyone give me some tips on motivating me to move forward &help me with being depressed plz

    and my everyday task on being strong.


    • Angel says:

      Thank you for your comment. I am sorry to hear of your recent challenges and appreciate your efforts in trying to find motivation. Unfortunately, depression can be a commonly seen symptom in the condition of MS, either as a result of the disease process’ effects on the nerves or as a common response to life stressors and changes. It is important to note that depression is a treatable condition, oftentimes treated using a combination of medication and talk therapies. I would encourage you to consult with a specialist within the field for the depression issues. Seeking consultation from a neuropsychiatrist or other licensed professional may be helpful in obtaining further clarification into the condition. For more information on depression and MS, you can visit the MSAA website at https://mymsaa.org/publications/depression/, and https://mymsaa.org/publications/motivator/winter-spring09/cover-story/8/.

      You can also contact the MSAA Client Services team for additional information by emailing MSquestions@mymsaa.org, or call our Helpline at 1-800-532-7667 x 154.

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