Kim Standard – September 2020 Artist of the Month

Each year, MSAA features the work of artists affected by multiple sclerosis in our annual MSAA Art Showcase. We also highlight one artist each month as our Artist of the Month. This month, we are proud to feature artist Kim Standard of Douglasville, GA:

Kim Standard artwork for September 2020 Artist of the Month

“Family Time Sunset

About the Artist

I was diagnosed officially in 1982. I was 19 when an eye doctor said it was likely MS, but it went away for a few years.

I started painting again after 39 years; my right hand is damaged by MS and many other parts. I use a power chair mostly so I didn’t think I could paint anymore since high school. I started taking classes at our Douglasville Senior Center. I am ambidextrous now, my left hand paints 75% of these acrylic paintings. Don’t give up, you never know what the future holds…

Read more and see additional works from this artist and others at

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  • Barbara says:

    I was almost diagnosed with MS,
    I happened to research the antibiotic Ciproflaxon. Cipro poisoning leaves ppl with symptoms that mimic autoimmune disease such MS, ALS,
    Parkinson’s…… I think a study of those who have taken a drug with Floraquinlones such as Cipro and others should be done before the diagnostic of one of these life threatening diseases are given. There is a experimental drug called LDN which I was given 4 years ago when walking was to painful to achieve. Thought I’d share this since its a secret most MDs are not familiar with LDN in low doses as an immune booster.

    • MSAA says:

      Thank you for your feedback. Your comment correctly emphasizes the need for clinicians to exclude other potential causes which can mimic the presentation of MS.
      Low-dose naltrexone is used by many MS specialists. It is a symptomatic medication, rather than immunomodulating therapy.
      It is generally used in conjunction with a disease-modifying therapy when appropriate.

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