Lori Keeling Campbell – May 2019 MS Artist of the Month

Each year, MSAA features the work of artists affected by multiple sclerosis in the annual MS Ability and Four Seasons Art Showcases, including highlighting one artist each month as our MS Artist of the Month. This month, we are proud to feature Lori Keeling Campbell of Bozeman, MT:

Thorns To Blooms by Lori Keeling Campbell

“Thorns to Blooms”

About the Artist

“2018 was my 20th year since being diagnosed with MS. I feel fortunate that I have been relatively stable. I have the support of family, good friends and a wonderful community. This fall I left my job after 25 years to concentrate on art and travel.”

Read more and see additional works from this artist and others at mymsaa.org/artshowcase.

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