Mentally Preparing for the Holidays

With the holiday season quickly approaching, you may find yourself spending a bit of time mentally preparing for the holidays. For a variety of reasons, holiday traditions such as family reunions, gift giving, and increased workload impact many of us. As you prepare for the holidays, I’d like to share some tips taken from NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness).

Here are 10 tips to assist you with mentally preparing for the holidays.

·      Stick to normal routines as much as possible

·      Be sure to get enough sleep and rest

·      Take time for yourself, but don’t isolate yourself

·      Eat and drink in moderation and don’t drink alcohol if you are feeling down

·      Get exercise, even if it’s only taking a short walk

·      Make a to-do list and keep things simple

·      Set reasonable expectations and goals for holiday activities such as shopping, cooking, entertaining, attending parties or sending holiday cards

·      Set a financial budget for holiday activities

·      Listen to music

·      Remember that holiday blues are short-term, so be patient and take things week by week and day by day

These 10 tips to help you mentally prepare for the holidays are both practical and doable. Implementing these tips can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed and enjoy the holidays with your friends and family.

Mentally Preparing for the Holidays
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  • Jerry Pina says:

    I’m trying to learn more about MS. My father was diagnosed with demyelination and it similar to MS. My father was failures on May 21 and now is on a wheelchair. His entire left side is very weak. My father was very active and now his life charged . I’m just trying to learn more

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