By Doug Ankerman
Wee-Ha! Phew, it has been cray–zee celebrating MS Awareness Month! Wait, what? You want MY recipe for mind/body wellness? Oh, I don’t know, we are all so very different. What works for ME might not work for YOU.
It’s like a recipe for chocolate chip cookies—everyone makes them a tad bit differently. Well, sure. If you are okay with it, here is my personal recipe for mind/body wellness…
First and foremost, be active. Move, stretch, reach. Do what you can as often as you can. Every little bit helps. And the more you do it, the easier it will get! You don’t need a gym membership either. Exercise right in the family room! Practice getting up from a chair or the floor. Squeeze a couch pillow. Punch into the cushions. Walk/roll up and down the driveway. Use your imagination and get moving!
Fresh Air
Seems simple enough. Go outside. Breathe deep. Inhale. Exhale. Fill your lungs with some outside O2. Feel your brain wake up. Clearing your head is as simple as stepping out for a moment.
Stay Hydrated
Many of us with MS refrain from drinking because we will have to pee. Sorry to break it to you, but your body and brain are over 70% made of water. So drink up! You need it to function. If you want to ease your midnight trips to the potty, limit fluids after 6 or 7 in the evening.
Eat Well
Be sensible. You know what is best for you. Eat more fruits and veggies. Less Dorito’s. I love my sweet treats so when I want to snack, I try to partake earlier in the day. And just like fluids, I try not to eat after 7pm.
Once again, I am not a doctor and have never watched Grey’s Anatomy.
Read/Play Word Games/Listen to Music
Your brain needs exercise just as your body. So, get it ticking! Crosswords, searches, Sudoku. Read a book, magazine or newspaper. Learn something new. Anything goes. Read labels, ingredients and nutritional info. You’ll be surprised what you find. Listen to music and tickle your brain box. Listen to a different genre. National Public Radio is a brilliant way to grow.
Stay Connected
Lastly, keep in touch with family and friends. Call, email, text, Facetime, write letters. There are dozens of ways to chat and stay connected. You just need to make the effort.
That’s my recipe for mind/body wellness. What works for me. How about you? What do you do to keep things working and churning? Tell me in a comment. By the way, I’m always looking for a new spin on chocolate chip cookies too!
Doug writes goofy stuff about MS and other stuff on his humor blog at
Funny as always. Thanks for the grins.
Thank you Brett. Appreciate your kinds words!
Be well.
I learned how to crochet! I love it and I just do what I can, when I can.
I also do all the things that help you too, except the connection part. I have to work on that!! Thanks for your post!