Old and New Me

By Lauren Kovacs

If you are like me, I try. Everyday is new. We have a “new me” daily. Some days we are the broken car in the garage and some days we are a strong engine.

On days your engine won’t turn over, don’t beat yourself up. We all have bad days. Some have really bad days. Try to hold on to something. Chocolate is meaty, but it makes things better.

I have had days that start with being too wobbly and dizzy to stand and use the walked. Sliding on the tile floor to the toilet is all I can do. Don’t be cross with yourself. Be glad you can do small things. Being a wiggle worm is not all bad. They can be glamorous too.

I have moments of weakness and frustration wins. I try and do my PT, but fatigue is a big road block with sharp teeth. Most days I fight the fatigue monster only to be mad at myself for letting the day waist. Chocolate helps.

Manage your expectations of yourself by not beating yourself up. The old me got very down on myself on bad days. Now, if I can only do 20 crunches, I try and do a few more later.

Rest. 2019 me didn’t really rest enough. Take a break between trying to do something. 20 crunches in the morning and 25-30 later. You will be surprised at how much you can do if you rest.

It adds time to tasks, but a sense of accomplishment is worth more. Factor in extra time knowing it calls for rest between tasks. It takes me about two hours to leave the house, for example. Put on pants, rest, put shoes on, rest and tie up hair.

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