Relationships and MS – check out the new issue of The Motivator

Motivator_WS16_emailheaderThe latest issue of The Motivator is now available to order, download, or read the DIGITAL EDITION right on your desktop, tablet, or phone!

Included in this issue of The Motivator:

Cover Story:Motivator_WS16_digital_spread

Making the Most of Our Relationships: Helping ourselves and those around us to cope with MS

… From family and friends to employers and coworkers, the diagnosis of MS can impact how we interact and care for one another.
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Research News:
… Information is provided on three investigational medications as they make their way toward FDA approval, two of which are being studied for progressive MS.
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Up Front:
… MSAA’s new President and CEO Gina Ross Murdoch talks about her exciting role as well as important events at MSAA.
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Program Notes:
… The launch of MSAA’s redesigned and responsive website, ways to stay informed, and MSAA’s new video on pseudobulbar affect (PBA), are featured.
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Read the latest issue of The Motivator – and be sure to check out all of the interactive features in the NEW digital edition by clicking “View Digital Edition” on the page!

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