Seasons of Change

It’s hard to believe that fall is right around the corner. Where does the time go? I don’t know if it’s the culture of our society that makes time go by even faster with its quick pace, but time sure does fly and change is constant. The change that comes with the start of fall has begun, especially in the form of back-to-school routines for the kiddos.

I do not do well with change but that doesn’t stop it from happening. Life constantly evolves and moves forward. And there are times that change can smack you in the face when you least expect it. Sometimes it’s good change, sometimes not so much. Routines are nice, but it’s how you deal with the service interruptions that’s important.

I try to talk about change to get myself more open to the idea of it. Even good changes can be stressful if you’re used to a specific routine and structure. It can throw you off course. Some people try to escape change—to deny and fight it. Others embrace it. Change can be scary. But it can also be exciting and exhilarating (depending on what it is).

For individuals dealing with illness, a change in routine doesn’t always bring its best to the table. Though there are times when it does. When a medication works effectively, when certain symptom issues resolve, and when test results show health improvements. These are welcomed changes. We know what the other side can look like and that’s why it’s so important to embrace positive change when it occurs.

It’s not easy to alter your mindset about change, but it’s worth trying to look at it differently to see how you can make it work to your advantage. If unwelcome change appears, think about how you can approach it. How can you increase your comfort level with change? Have patience with the process, it’s not something to be learned overnight and you don’t have to feel OK with it all the time.

Coping with Routine Changes

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