Special Swim for MS Swimmer Honored by the Military

Almost all of our Swim for MS participants have had some kind of personal connection to multiple sclerosis – whether a family member was diagnosed, a friend, or they themselves have MS.  In this way, Team DragonFLY Captain, Courtney Evers, is no different.  When her mother was diagnosed in 2005, Courtney and her family turned to MSAA for information about MS.  After spending years on our website using MSAA resources and repeatedly seeing information about our Swim for MS program, Courtney decided to start her own.  “It was something I could not only do for my Mom, but that she could be a part of, too,” says Courtney.

Courtney’s mother (left) swam the most distance of the team last year!

Courtney’s mother (left) swam the greatest distance of the team last year!

What does make Courtney Evers different from other Swim participants is that she was recently awarded the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal for her volunteering efforts, including her years as the captain of her Swim for MS events.  Since 2011, Courtney and her teams have raised more than $7,500 for the MS community by swimming in New York, Hawaii, and everywhere in between.  When asked about receiving this special honor, Courtney said:

“The Swim for MS part of my MOVSM was by far the most meaningful, because it was something that really ‘hit home’.  Not only was my team helping raise awareness, but the funds raised were actually going to those that needed it with MS.”

Please join MSAA in thanking Courtney for her service to her country and for her commitment to the MS Community and improving lives today!

unnamedTo learn more about starting your own Swim for MS, please visit SwimforMS.org.

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The Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAA) is a national nonprofit organization and leading resource for the entire MS community, improving lives today through vital services and support. MSAA provides free programs and services, such as: a Helpline with trained specialists; award-winning publications, including, The Motivator; MSAA’s nationally recognized website, featuring educational videos, webinars, and research updates; a mobile phone app, My MS Manager™; safety and mobility equipment products; cooling accessories for heat-sensitive individuals; MRI funding; My MSAA Community, a peer-to-peer online support forum; MS Conversations blog; a clinical trial search tool; podcasts; and more. For additional information, please visit www.mymsaa.org or call (800) 532-7667.

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