Stress Relievers…

“To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan and not quite enough time.”  

 -Leonard Bernstein

Let’s face it; life can be a bit stressful at times. There are days that bring obstacles and glitches that are not expected and not at all welcome in our routine. Our day to day activities can place a certain amount of stress on us, as we tend to pack our hours with as much as we can to fulfill the day’s tasks. Therefore, at the end of the day we may find ourselves overwhelmed and thinking, “How am I supposed to do this again tomorrow?” The mission then assigned to you is this, “What can I do to alleviate some of this stress?”

Relieving the stress you experience at any given time is important in order to combat the next day’s expectations of you. So what do you do when you are feeling stressed? Do you watch a good movie? Take in some fresh air? Or simply talk about the day with someone else who offers a listening ear? Please share your tips on relieving stress…

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About Angel Blair

I am a Client Services Specialist here at MSAA. I hold both a Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Counseling from schools outside of the Philadelphia area. I love reading, music, movies, and writing. And one of my most favorite places I've traveled to is Disney World!


  • Barbara says:


    I am a newly diagnosed women with MS and so far I am learning to meditate to releve as much stress as possible. Yoga is in the near future, just waiting for the DVD to arrive. Listening to my favorite music also helps me get through some tough days that are not related to MS. Comedy is very important to me!

    I am currently on Copaxone and the injections can be thought of in two ways; negative or positive; I always go for the positive. Yes, the injections hurt but they will give me strength to be with my grand daughters more often and hurt less, it is worth it!

    Learning to live each day and not to bring the bad that happened to the next day. Start each day fresh.

    I look forward to reading and learning through the blog and through others and gain support and allow myself to take support instead of always giving it.

    • Angel says:

      Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and positive thoughts. We’re glad to hear of the optimism you hold and your methods in focusing on the positive! We hope you continue to join in our conversations and hopefully others will do the same!

  • mike says:

    I recently read this book that teaches techniques on how to reduce stress, they are super effective and work instantly, very helpful especially at work. The book Is called “The Nature of Life”, and is sold on kindle, nook and most book reading apps, also on this website

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