Watch Our New Video on MS Relapses

A Closer Look at The Importance of Treating and Managing MS Relapses
featuring Stephen Krieger, MD

Managing the unpredictability of multiple sclerosis is always challenging, especially for individuals with relapsing forms of the disease. When new symptoms appear or existing symptoms become worse, successful management involves accurately defining the relapse and understanding the best method of treatment.

Recognizing the need for additional awareness on this topic, MSAA is proud to announce the completion of its latest educational on-demand video, titled: A Closer Look at The Importance of Treating and Managing MS Relapses.

Watch the latest on-demand MSi video, A Closer Look at The Importance of Treating and Managing MS Relapses, complete with chapter stops on

Supported by an educational grant from Questcor Pharmaceuticals, this 40-minute video features neurologist and MS expert Dr. Stephen Krieger of Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York City. In this relaxed, conversational-style interview, Dr. Krieger provides:

  • valuable insights into understanding the signs and symptoms of an MS relapse
  • guidance on when to discuss the onset of a flare up with a neurologist
  • a thorough explanation of the various treatment options including steroids and other medications

The video is now available on the Multiple Sclerosis Information (MSi) section of MSAA’s website and also features a downloadable PDF transcript of the program.

To view this new program, A Closer Look at The Importance of Treating and Managing MS Relapses – with chapter stops during the video – please visit

To view all of the informative on-demand videos and archived webinars from the MSi library, please visit

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