What to do with the MS Burnout Blues…

MS Burnout. Two words that, when separate, denote significant struggles. When you put those words together, it can be explosive. MS Burnout is a real thing. Let’s talk about it.

Having MS can be draining and overwhelming, whether you’ve recently been diagnosed or you’re 20 years in. I’ve seen the effects it can have on even the strongest person.

Do you find that there are days when you are just so extremely frustrated with MS-related challenges? Are you mentally drained from trying to remember what doctor you’re supposed to see next? Do you just feel exhausted? You may be experiencing MS Burnout.

So, what’s the key to preventing MS Burnout? I’m so glad you asked.

Self-care. I know. I know. You’ve heard it before, right? Well, that’s because it is so important. Self-care plays such an important role on your mental health. Friends, hear me. You don’t have to stay in the MS Burnout vortex anymore.

“Where do I start with self-care?”

Here are just a few helpful ways you can participate in self-care:

  1. Find what it is that you love to do and do it as often as you can. Engaging in something that you love is a great way to reduce stress. Some people love to read. Others love to exercise. You might like to go outside and experience nature. Some people love to watch movies. And me? I like to sing. I’m not saying I’m the next big thing in the music industry. But hey, you don’t have to be great at whatever you choose. You just have to enjoy it.Combat MS Burnout by doing things you love.
  2. Acknowledge the good in you. When you look in the mirror as you brush your hair or as you get dressed, mention one good thing about yourself. Say it out loud so your body can hear you. For example: “I am resilient. I am strong.” When this technique was first introduced to me, I could only think of one thing at a time. That’s okay. You will find that as you practice this, your list will grow and so will your ability to battle those MS Burnout blues.Combat MS Burnout with encouraging self-talk.
  3. Find your village. When it comes to self-care, sometimes it takes a village. I encourage you to find your village. Connecting with a care partner, a friend, a family member, a support group, your local church, or even a friendly neighbor can be all it takes to help combat MS Burnout. I’ve always found it much easier to overcome plaguing thoughts or emotions when I have my village by my side cheering me on. If you need help finding a support group, give MSAA a call and we would be happy to help you get connected to resources.

    Reduce MS Burnout by relying on friends and family.

So, remember. Invest in your well-being by participating in self-care activities. It’s a great way to combat MS Burnout and bring a little more positivity into your everyday life.

What are some things you love to do to combat the MS Burnout blues?

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  • Gwendolyn E Mugliston says:

    Living in a very remote area of PA (Glen Campbell aka GC) without cell phone service (unless you have a very expensive phone), with no medical services within 30 minutes after they get the call, no store similar to Giant Eagle, Save-a-lot, no gas stations worth a poot, etc. there is no village to establish and if you are of a “foreign” religion, forget it. If you are a foreign person (i.e. born outside of GC, PA, the NE USA and especially if no family locally) there is no village. And this so called borough is run by people who don’t know the difference in a clean water supply from a sink hole.
    I would love to move but the cost is prohibitive, literally.
    So, what do you suggest?

    • MSAA says:

      Hello Gwendolyn,
      Thank you for reaching out and sharing your story. If you have any questions, or would just like someone to talk to, please feel free to contact one of our Client Services Specialists at (800) 532-7667, ext. 154 or via email at MSquestions@mymsaa.org. Thank you.

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