Why Do I Cry or Laugh Inappropriately?

As MSAA continues to highlight important MS symptoms during MS Awareness month, this week, Pseudobulbar Affect Awareness Week (week of March 14, 2016), MSAA invites clients to learn about this lesser-known but very impactful symptom by watching a recently produced video featuring Daniel Kantor, MD.

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In this one-on-one interview, MS expert Dr. Daniel Kantor provides valuable insights into understanding PBA and its cause, the differences between PBA and depression and other mood disorders, guidance on discussing PBA with your doctor, and ways to evaluate and treat the condition.

More information, including a survey on PBA can be found at mymsaa.org/pba.

Share your symptom story in the comments below. How has PBA affected your life?

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The Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAA) is a national nonprofit organization and leading resource for the entire MS community, improving lives today through vital services and support. MSAA provides free programs and services, such as: a Helpline with trained specialists; award-winning publications, including, The Motivator; MSAA’s nationally recognized website, featuring educational videos, webinars, and research updates; a mobile phone app, My MS Manager™; safety and mobility equipment products; cooling accessories for heat-sensitive individuals; MRI funding; My MSAA Community, a peer-to-peer online support forum; MS Conversations blog; a clinical trial search tool; podcasts; and more. For additional information, please visit www.mymsaa.org or call (800) 532-7667.

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