Did you catch our blog feature last week about the tenth anniversary of MSAA’s Art Showcase? Over the years, we’ve been lucky enough to feature hundreds of artists through this initiative! On top of serving as inspiration to many who visit our website and social media pages, the Showcase has also been a source of inspiration for members of the MS community who may have previously thought their diagnosis would hinder their creative abilities.
Painters like David Desjardins, a participant in the Showcase since 2013, view their condition as an artistic advantage. “I find that due to the disease, I am slower and more deliberate than I used to be. Before, I tended to rush through a painting, perhaps sacrificing details with which I should have taken more time,” said David. “Now that I’m slower with the execution, I find my style has definitely improved.”
More About David
David is passionate about the impact MSAA’s Art Showcase can have on the MS community and on those who are not as familiar with the condition. “I feel it is very important to show everyone that even though we may no longer function as we once did, we can still make positive contributions to those around us and to society as a whole,” said David. “Regularly contributing to the MSAA Art Showcase is my way of doing that.”
As a kid, David loved to draw, but did not pursue the hobby until later in life when his next-door neighbor, an accomplished artist, invited him to join a watercolor painting class he was teaching. Now, David feels he is qualified to give new artists just one piece of advice: “just keep painting – the old cliché is true, practice does make perfect!”
Now, David tends to stick to painting landscapes or close-ups of flowers. However, he admires those who can paint a successful portrait. “I’m still trying to convince myself to try it,” said David. “Maybe I’ll find the courage one of these days!”