The wheel has spun again. Lying ahead are 365 days filled with possibilities to make life better for us as well as for those around us. These are a few things I plan on doing differently to be more effective and productive this year:
Setting SMART goals- I realize that I make New Year’s resolutions every year. I end up doing them for a while and then they get lost in the midst of other priorities. This year, I have decided to focus on short-term and achievable goals. I am going to jot them down in my planner and revisit them occasionally to make sure I am following through.
Focus on one goal at a time– Redirecting my energy, time and efforts into a single goal might be more realistic than trying to squeeze multiple tasks at a time. I would rather go slow and steady and take baby steps rather than be stressed and not enjoy the process.
Self-care– I need to remind myself that my physical and mental wellbeing is as important as achieving my goals. Prioritizing my needs will help me focus better and do my best.
Pat myself on the back– I am going to track my progress and when I do accomplish a goal, I am going to treat myself. What better way to enjoy the ride and then move on to the next one.
I do realize that I might not be able to achieve all that I want to accomplish this year, but I can surely make progress and keep at it without quitting halfway through. I accept that there will be challenges and I will be encountering jolts and bumps along the way, but I will keep moving onward and forward. Let us kick off this new year with positivity and hope. Happy 2025 everyone!