Accessible Travel

It’s officially Summer and the arrival of the season signifies travel plans and busy itineraries for some individuals. Whether it be local travel to sites in one’s community or journeying to farther places, individuals can benefit from planning ahead for their trip as much as possible.

I wanted to share some great information I came across in an article on tips for travelers with disabilities and another with tips for travel agents working with those who have disabilities. Many suggestions involve making arrangements and contacts beforehand to ensure facilities and destinations are accessible for what your needs are.

Modes of transport, lodging, activities, and dining are all aspects you want to be mindful of when scheduling your trip to confirm their accessibility. In addition to that, preparing materials you’ll need for your destination is key too. Everyone’s needs are different when traveling so be sure to communicate what you require and what accommodations need to be made.

There have been some distressing stories in the news of issues that individuals with disabilities have experienced while traveling. Hopefully there are less and less of these circumstances moving forward and it does not deter those wanting to travel from doing so and enjoying their journey.

It’s important that education and awareness of the safety and accessibility needs of those traveling with disabilities continue. More companies and agencies need to be cognizant of their services for those who have disabilities and make accommodations and changes as necessary.

There are several travel resources to use as helpful guides, and talking to others who have travel experience can be incredibly helpful as well. My MSAA Community, MSAA’s online peer support forum, is one way to communicate with others living with MS to gather information about their experiences and tips for traveling. Safe and happy trails!

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