Blame it on the Brain…

By Scott Cremeans

The knee bone is connected to the thigh bone; the thigh bone is connected to the hip bone, and it is all connected to the brain bone. Ok, so the brain is not a bone, but that line sounds better poetically. The mind-body connection is often ignored and overlooked, especially if there is nothing wrong. When something does go wrong, many people bury it deep in their psyche, like a squirrel that hides his nuts for the winter. This disguise over our emotions can create catastrophic complications that cause the need for psychotherapy for many years.

However, we can avoid all of the mess by understanding that mental and physical health work together to make our bodies operate. We need to comprehend that bad brain or sad body wellness has a negative impact on our multiple sclerosis. This association means that if one is having a rough emotional day, they may ambulate poorly or have a tough day physically. It is essential to follow a few simple guidelines to make your mind and body wellness less a mess.

First, always surround yourself with jolly and jovial people who understand the importance of having a convivial attitude. Try to hang around those who are happy people by nature and do not need to force or manufacture jubilation. These individuals typically can see when you may be having a rough day and can entice laughter out of your face. With minimal effort, they can remove a slight sallow smear from your countenance before it becomes life-altering.

On the other side of the coin, fitness has not only physical but a plethora of mental benefits that make exercise imperative. Working-out promotes positive personalities by releasing endorphins, which create feelings of happiness and euphoria. These happy chemicals help alleviate depression, anxiety, or even help if you are simply feeling a bit blue.

Finding ways to minimize your stress, anger, or frustration is necessary to help keep you cheery and physically in good shape. This pleasant personality can make a difference and may aid you in ambulation throughout your day. It is crucial always to keep an effervescent attitude so that people are more willing to help you when you are in need.

I find periodic purposeful pleasure in all forms of music, giving me mental wellness to take on the world. The melodious and rhythmic sounds that fill my house makes my soul sing with exuberant jubilation. Diverse styles of music from Beethoven to The Beastie Boys help my various moods keep under control. Not only do I listen to music at home, but just before I exercise to put me in a happy state and boost my fitness abilities.

Meditation is another great benefit to those who want a positive and excellent connection between mind and body. Meditation is relaxing, causing restful mental tranquility that allows peaceful slumber throughout the night. This quiet sleep is good for MSers as it enables our bodies to reboot like the PC that we have at home, giving a fresh start to our day.

The number of ways that the mind and body are connected is staggeringly high. The key to a good MS life, such as it is, is to avoid all stresses like physical, emotional, and mental stress, to name a few. Lifting excessively heavy weights, yelling at a cashier, or anxiety over your monthly bills, are all stresses that can have a negative impact on MS. In effect, this relationship will likely have us sliding down a dark MS symptom hole that is difficult to recover. When stress starts getting you down or your body isn’t operating the way that you desire it to fall back on my suggestions. Utilize the ideas that I have shared and give you the tools for a better attitude and a great day. Remember: you have multiple sclerosis; it does not have you.

De-stress for de best MS life.

Scott Cremeans lives in Central Ohio.  He is a US Marine who was diagnosed with RRMS in 2001 at the age of 27.  Scott has successfully managed his MS symptoms on his own with his faith, friends, and funnies.  You can read more about his MS journey by visiting his blog where he muses about life in the slow lane with his literary wit.

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