Busy as a Bee

By Scott Cremeans

We need to use every possible way to shield ourselves from the detrimental impacts of boredom. Here are some key ways to armor ourselves from the aggressive onslaught from the apathy of life. It is difficult not to be tempted by the siren song of the couch and the hypnotic flicker of the TV. The following tips may seem foolish and utterly superfluous but could help you find ways to keep busy and even boost your overall wellness.

When considering things to do to avoid lethargy, you do not necessarily think of food, but you should. Wait, do not skip this blog, but hear me out! This blog entry is not just a list of things to do to fight the sedentary life though that sort of thing is coming. During this global viral pandemic in which we are immersed, it is essential to be aware of our food intake. We do not want this downtime to simply be a growth spirt for our midsection. Since we are in lockdown at home, it is essential to eat for our activity level, meaning low physical activity equals consume smaller portions. Have a sit-down meal with everyone in the house and enjoy the togetherness as opposed to the normality of everyone is elsewhere.

All of us need to keep our bodies moving. When the “stay at home” orders were set, our worlds shrank to the size of our houses, requiring us to get creative. It is imperative not to sit on the couch and watch television eating bonbons until the order is rescinded. We must dig deep within us and gather all of the motivation that we can muster and fight the urge for a sedentary sabbatical. Walk down the street daily, use soup cans for weights, or even do chair yoga all so that you will not let the temptation of torpidness win your affection. They are not kidding when they say that a body at rest tends to stay at rest as muscle deterioration begins quite rapidly.

Learn the importance of time management during this nothing is going on life. However, time management means to fight any urge to do nothing and schedule events to avoid the emptiness of life. Plan time so that you are not getting bored doing any one thing and keep your mind and your family entertained. If you have little kids or grandkids, create game time with them to keep all of you busy and other times have time just for you. Use Zoom, Hangouts, or Facebook to video chat with them so that you can enjoy games or arts and crafts with them.

To alleviate boredom has always been a pretty paramount practice to help the health of multiple sclerosis patients. However, now that we are in isolation, we can quickly get on each other’s nerves causing physical difficulties like never before. Remember, there is a symbiotic relationship between family togetherness and personal alone time. To keep our brains active, we need to find and nurture both relationships like a five-year-old who just skinned their knee.

Think smarter, not harder.

*Scott Cremeans lives in Central Ohio.  He is a US Marine who was diagnosed with RRMS in 2001 at the age of 27.  Scott has successfully managed his MS symptoms on his own with his faith, friends, and funnies.  You can read more about his MS journey by visiting his blog www.myramblings.blog where he muses about life in the slow lane with his literary wit.

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