Celebrating our Earth…

What is Earth Day?

Earth Day is an event that occurs every year to promote and encourage environmental awareness and protection. It is a day to appreciate and conserve energy for our environment for future generations. On Earth Day you can get involved in the world’s efforts to protect the environment, just by making a few changes in your daily routine…

Here are some ways in which you can help conserve energy, not only for the environment but for yourself too!

For the Environment:

  • Turn off the lights! If you’re leaving the house, shut the lights off, this will help conserve power and energy and it will reduce your energy bills, too!
  • Don’t leave the water running in the sink when it’s not being used
  • Remember to recycle!
  • Keep your refrigerator/freezer doors closed to conserve power, especially when putting groceries away
  • Walk or ride somewhere…If you’re able, walk or ride a bike/other device to the day’s destination instead of driving your car; this can help reduce air pollution
  • Volunteer! Join the community to plant trees, flowers, or to recycle and help raise awareness for the environment!

For You:

  • Conserve your energy! Because fatigue is very common amongst those with MS, try to save your errands/activities for parts of the day when you have the most energy. For more information/tips on energy conservation, see the MSAA MSi Online Video Energy Conservation and MS at: https://mymsaa.org/manage-your-ms/videos/staying-one-step-ahead-4/
  • Stay cool! Summer is almost upon us, so staying cool can help you conserve energy and help you perform the day’s tasks. Consider the MSAA Cooling Equipment Distribution Program to help you stay cool this summer, https://mymsaa.org/msaa-help/cooling/
  • Enjoy the environment… Getting outside to garden or partaking in volunteer opportunities can help you enjoy what the earth has to offer and acts as a way for you to get involved in a meaningful activity!

So what will you do to commemorate Earth Day?



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