Does that Thermometer say 101?!?!

I’m not sure about where you are but summer has been brutal so far this year in the North East! For you pessimists let me say “Yes, I know two months ago we were all complaining about winter and wishing summer would get here already.” But these temps are something else. Whether you have MS or not, the high heat index can make you rethink that stroll outside (like, really how is it 75 degrees out at 6AM?!?!?!).

Now I know cabin fever is usually reserved for the middle of winter blues but we can get stuck in doors in the throws of summer, also. So what’s someone to do when the mercury rises and spending time outside is right up there with getting called for jury duty?? Well I’m so glad you asked. Here are 3 things you can do this summer other than binge watching Netflix… which, to be fair, is a totally viable thing to do. Could even say it’s #4 on this list. You really should check out Nailed It on Netflix… it will have you on the floor laughing!!

#3 Try your hand at a little artistic ability: Nobody is saying you have to become Vera Bradley or Picasso over night (if you do though, let me know) but taking some time to try out painting, drawing or even bedazzling can pass the time and yield you something interesting

#2 Audiobook anyone…. Yes I know reading is fundamental and it can also be boring (for some people…I personally love a good book with a cup of lemonade) but getting into Audiobooks is another way to get through a bestseller without a trip to the library or the silence of reading. You can get a book title and a month’s trial for free when you sign up with Audible and you may find that hearing the voices of characters come to life is right up your alley.

#1 Give a podcast a try! Now I (along with some others), LOVE Podcasts. I listen to them on my way to work, when I first get home from work, when I’m tired of watching Netflix (yes that’s a thing that happens). I sometimes throw on one while I’m enjoying sitting in my backyard…in the fall and spring because as we’ve previously established, it is HOT! I can’t get enough of a good podcast and am always up to share with anyone looking to give them a go. For you social science folks you can delve into Hidden Brain where each episode explores some idea impacting our daily lives. For the more concrete of the bunch give a listen to a healthy debate from 1a. For anyone interested something real, but sensational check out Serial or STown And if you are looking for something deeply personal you should really check out Alone: A Love Story. Michelle Parise takes listeners along for the ride of her marriage…and subsequent divorce and along the way, the birth of her child and her diagnosis of MS. She’s funny and smart and flawed and real and really amazing. Season 2 is out now but you’ll want to go back and start from the beginning of Season 1 to get to know Michelle.

What are some of your suggestions for indoor entertainment??

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