Exercise, Part II

“Jogging is very beneficial. It’s good for your legs and your feet. It’s also very good for the ground. It makes it feel needed.”

~ Charles M. Schulz

”Never eat more than you can lift.”

~ Miss Piggy

Resolutions. Most of us have made them, and they commonly include some type of exercise plan. They usually occur in celebration of the start of a new year, to help mark new beginnings and make meaningful changes. Though we all know that resolutions may start off strong with promises, schedules and routines, they do not always last with the same enthusiastic energy. Compared to any other time of year, (Halloween resolutions are not that common), New Year’s is the identified time that marks the declaration of these resolutions, but who says they have to be created only when the clock strikes midnight?

As summer is slowly coming to a close, we are ready to embark on yet another season change. The fall brings relief from the heat but not the bitterness of winter, the start of a new school year for some, and another “beginning” for people to make changes. So as the weather gets cooler, perhaps it is time for those exercise resolutions to be resurrected, or made for the first time. Take advantage of the cooler weather by exercising outside, or enjoying outdoor activities without the overwhelming heat. What can we do so that exercise does not remain a forgotten resolution?

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  • Heather Serres says:

    I have a question for all that can exercise; How do you do most exercises when your legs are the major problem? Mine don’t like to stand very long, and go numb and tingly if I walk very far, or try to walk fast or run. My legs just won’t let me do much of anything, so am stuck in a :funk”. I would love to exercise, but not sure how to go about it with legs that prefer to “sleep”, rather than do anything.

    • Angel says:

      It can be a very challenging situation when your body is not able to completely cooperate with the activity that you are attempting to accomplish. With the help and collaboration of a neurologist and a physical therapist that are mindful of MS, patients may be able to develop an individualized plan that works for their own unique situation. Exercise plans that are safe and accessible for patients to do at home can be sought out, please be advised that exercise is only recommended under medical supervision or direction to ensure individual safety. One’s overall health can improve with exercise in addition to other healthy measures taken.

      For more helpful information on exercise, please see the MSi video: A Closer Look at The Benefits of Exercise at https://mymsaa.org/manage-your-ms/videos/closerlook-exercise/

  • Elizabeth Williams says:


    I am very fortunate to have an excellent physical therapist that is up on the problems of MS and he has me do stretches for my legs and back lying down that have greatly helped me. Then if I need to sit down rather than stand to do my arm stretches with a belt he suggests that I do it that way. Perhaps if you don’t have a pt to work with you might find some suitable exercises on Utube search on MS. I found some that were helpful there for myself too.

    Hope this will help out.


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