Family Wellness and Health

Wellness is a topic that encompasses many things. It is defined as the condition of good physical, mental and emotional health, especially when maintained by an appropriate diet, exercise, and other lifestyle modifications.

Wellness is much more than just medical health, it is a dynamic process. Maintaining a high level of wellness is crucial to living a higher quality of life. Everything we do and feel affects our wellness. And, our wellness affects our actions and emotions. It’s a circle. If we disregard our wellness, it can lead to a negative spiral that can be difficult to get out of. But, if we can achieve optimal wellness, it can lessen stress, reduce the risk of illness and ensure positive interactions with others. By focusing on your wellness, you and your family can become healthier and happier people.

5 Healthy Habits for Your Family

As a starter, incorporating wellness into your family is as easy as 5-4-3-2-1. Every day, attempt to reach the following goals and discuss your progress as a family:

FIVE servings of fruits and vegetables
FOUR servings of water
THREE servings of low-fat dairy products for calcium and protein
TWO hours screen time, at the most
ONE or more hours of physical activity

This simple plan laid out by the Tanner Clinic will help you and your family start to address your physical wellness. However, physical wellness is only one of eight dimensions of overall wellness according to SAMHSA. To improve your total wellness, spend some time assessing where you stand on the other seven dimensions of wellness listed below.

Wellness blogIf you and your family spend some time each week developing healthy habits related to each dimension of wellness, it will have a positive impact on both your physical and mental health in the long run.

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