March 2018 Artist of the Month: Celebrating the Work of Artists Affected by Multiple Sclerosis

All-New Artists for MSAA’s 2018-2017 Art Showcase!

As a part of MS Awareness Month, MSAA is very proud to present our 2018-2019 Art Showcase, celebrating the work of artists affected by MS.

We have received many wonderful submissions from across the country and are delighted to share their work and their stories with you.

To view all of the new submissions, please visit our online galleries:

MSAA Ability Art Showcase 2018
MSAA Four Seasons Art Showcase 2018
Throughout the year, we will highlight one artist during each month by sharing their artwork and their story as a part of our Artist of the Month series.

MSAA’s March Artist of the Month

Paula Breiner - Love Me, Don't Break Me
Love Me, Don’t Break Me
Paula Breiner – Tamaqua, PA
About the Artist:
“I am an MS Warrior. I make the most of each day. I enjoy yoga and meditation.I live day to day with this disease and pray for a cure. I do a paint/craft day each month with the gang in our support group. It has given me such happiness at seeing all the wonderful finished projects and see the smiles, laughter, and the awesome mental therapy that we all supply each other with. My support group has become my second family and we are so much stronger as a group. We live, one day at a time.”
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