Sometimes You Just Gotta Laugh….

So I don’t think many people would argue the fact that there are some days that just plain stink! I mean those days where it doesn’t seem like anything can go right and you have a giant bulls-eye on your back that the universe is using to its full advantage. We find ourselves stuck in this limbo of imbalance and misfortune and it can be a real downer! So what can help pull us out of these moments that seem chuck full of calamity? How about laughter?

We’ve heard the saying ‘Laughter is the best medicine’ but how true is this statement? How can humor really heal or remedy a situation for us? According to an article in Psychology Today, laughter can help make you feel better, literally. It can decrease blood pressure and stress levels and positively affect mood and even sleep habits. Laughter causes physical changes in the body that helps to reduce tension and increase endorphins that lead to positive feelings.

Sure there will be times throughout life where a situation does not call for any kind of humor or laughing elements, but there will be other times that are so comical or ironic that you can’t help yourself but to laugh at the circumstances. You’ll notice that laughter can be contagious as well, a good kind of contagious, like smiling is, where you can’t help but to join in with others who are experiencing the joy. If you find yourself in a moment where you can treat yourself to a good, hearty laugh, take advantage of it, and feel free to spread the wealth.


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