The Call of the School Supplies

By Lauren Kovacs

We all dread it, as parents.  The school supply trip.  It beckons us and sinks its teeth in.

With three kids, this trap is one I can’t elude or ignore.  I try to do it in one trip, however I usually go to a dollar store first.  A big box store is my final stop.

Going early in the morning helps avoid oppressive summer heat.  My kids are on a year round schedule and it is a must.  I like to avoid the real scary call of the wild by not going later in the day.

I have recruited my little troop of squirrels.  They each are sent into the shelves to finds an item, while I am the list holder.  I busy myself by looking at the new boxes of crayons.  Even though they are past using them, a box always shows up in our bags at checkout.

I coordinate from my wheelchair.  Once they find their nut (supply), it goes into the cart.  After our adventure is complete, I reward them with a treat (candy) and the call of the school supplies is silenced.

There are always random things a teacher wants.  I turn to the net for those.  It saves me a trip out.

Reward yourself.  Buy a muffin or donut for yourself.  It takes work to get those supplies.  Share in the joy of new school stuff by treating YOU.

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