To be organized or not to be?

By Lauren Kovacs

This is the question.

I used to be super organized. Years ago an older MSer told me that I will learn to conserve energy in my own way. She was right. Being organized can cause energy conservation.

With three sons and a husband, organizing consists of piles. They usually have no idea where something is. When they ask me I say it grew legs and walked off with whatever else of mine that is missing at the moment.

I don’t mind, if they use something, just put it back dude. I once saw one of my sons picking up pine cones in our yard with my grabber. That one disappeared into the abyss of boy-land. I ordered another, but that one grew legs and ran away with our missing spoons.

If it is something that is a priority for me personally, I keep track of it. Less stress, if I keep tabs on it rather than it to disappear. My sock drawer in kinda my filing cabinet. My walker seat is also were I stash stuff I need. Not super, it is my abyss.

Being organized does help, but it appears that it is not necessarily something that can be taught. But, you can teach yourself to organize for you. If you know you might need it, put it where you know it is. Rely on yourself because only you know where it is.

There are times when I have hidden stuff from myself by accident. Hiding is not organizing. I still have Christmas gifts from seven years ago that are MIA. I hid them well. Try not to hide things. I do like finding random chocolates, but hiding things only results in frustration. A nice meal for the energy hog.

I write everything down and keep Christmas gifts in a big box, for example. My boys are now old enough to know about Santa. If they snoop, it is on them. If my tape measure is missing from my walker seat, I know one of the boys probably took it. It holds me accountable to myself, too.

Lists are a great way to be organized. Rolling clean clothes into their place is easier than folding and it is tidy. Purge of things you can’t use. I purged all, but a few, of my pants with buttons. A sad day. I wept when my jeans left.

I no longer can manage those tiny earring backs. I ask for dangle earrings as gifts.  Many you can get for $10. I keep them all in a small dish. Sort of organized. I know where my earrings are, at least.

Organizing your way helps empower you. Keep wearing earrings ladies. Don’t lose yourself to MS. You will have to bend a bit. You can’t be as crazy about organizing, but any bit of organization your way helps slow the energy hog.

Prioritize for your own ease. At least try and have categories. Keep things alike together. My earrings are all in a small dish, measuring tapes and pens are in the walker seat. My sock drawer holds other “like” items.

Not nearly as organized as I was, but I know where stuff is. Organize for yourself. Conserve energy and know where similar items are. Write it down, in case you forget. My phone is my brain. I always have it with me.

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