10 DOs and DON’Ts of Keeping Busy

By Doug Ankerman

If you are a homebody like me, the current stay at home directives are no big deal. Keep busy on the other hand can at times be as challenging as finding a pen that works when needing to take a message. That’s why I offer you these “10 DOs and DON’Ts of Keeping Busy.”

DO bake for others.
DON’T eat it all yourself.

It is about finding things you enjoy doing. Passing time by filling your day with personally rewarding tasks.

DO read books on subjects you enjoy.
DON’T read terms and conditions agreements. Just click accept.

Keeping busy doesn’t have to be anything life changing. Nor does it have to be big. Fact is, the simpler the better.

DO walk to remain active.
DON’T walk on fire, broken glass, or high-wires.

Straightening the catch-all drawer is a good starter. And who knows you may even find a pen that works.

DO try juggling to improve hand-eye coordination.
DON’T wrangle rattlesnakes to improve said coordination.

Keeping busy isn’t about doing what needs to be done. You can busy yourself with things you want to try like drawing or writing.

DO stay connected to family and friends.
DON’T engage deep conversations with robocalls.

The sky is limited only by your imagination. So, open it up and let yourself soar!

DO learn to play a musical instrument.
DON’T just watch YouTube clips of “cats playing piano.”

Often you will find with so much to do, you may run out of time each day.

DO put together a jigsaw puzzle.
DON’T fret over a missing piece.

It’s not what you do to busy yourself but how you do it.

DO belt out your favorite songs.
DON’T sing with open windows or police may be called.

It is in the trying, the doing, that provides the greatest satisfaction.

DO organize that box of old photographs.
DON’T be surprised to find the missing puzzle piece at the bottom of the box.

Keeping busy at home may seem boring to some. Daunting to a few. But with an open mind (and a pen that works) you can create lists of activities, favors and tasks to pack each day with self-accomplishment. Get started now.

*Doug writes goofy stuff about multiple sclerosis & other subjects on his humor blog at myoddsock.com

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  • Janice Buneo says:

    Love the 10 Do’s and Don’ts. I could have written it! Well, except for the baking….I’m enjoying the goodies too much. Thanks, enjoyed it.

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